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High Rollers
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Everything posted by GPH

  1. Yeah, that bothers me. I've owned both M^3 and Mini^3 and it's pretty hard to mistake one for the other. In fact, if Ken built the amp himself by following AMB's schematics where the name of the amp is clearly written, how the hell can use the wrong name now? Maybe it's a tactic to make people believe it's a better amp that what it really is.
  2. It's either a Mini^3 or some secret ALO project that uses the same name as the DIY amp, in which case it would be very lame. A real M^3 running on 9V lithium batteries wouldn't fit in such a small enclosure.
  3. Don't believe all you read, there is no such thing as a Stax club or mafia. We have some shares in the Vegas casinos and friends in the Vatican, but all we do is legal.
  4. GPH


  5. Superb DIY projects like this are why I love this site. Keep up the good work Steve.
  6. If you jailbreak the firmware, Cydia and Winterboard are must haves to customize and theme your iPod Touch. Other than that, Omnifocus and Remote are the only 3rd party apps that I use on a regular basis.
  7. Reinvestment of the money made by selling the KGSS: + 30 ft of Blue Jeans Cable Belden 5000UE speaker cable
  8. Happy birthday fellow Canuck.
  9. I just bought a 840A. I had a pretty good price from a Canadian seller, so no border fees, smaller shipping costs, etc. The amp looks very decent too and I've read a few excellent reviews of it in the past. Let's hope I like it, I already regret having sold my KGSS to finance a speaker rig. (the one I bought is black though)
  10. Cassette FOTM? If anyone's interested, I have a Nakamichi BX-1 cassette deck that I'm willing to give away to anyone who pays the shipping. I believe it sold for around 400$ back in the day.
  11. Artist: Peter Hammill Album: In Camera Song: The Comet, The Course, The Tail
  12. Thanks for the suggestions guys, keep 'em coming. I've made an offer to a guy on Canuck Audio Mart for a used Cambridge Audio Azur 840A, seems like a pretty good value and it delivers 120Wpc into 8 ohms.
  13. What would you guys recommend as a good integrated amp, preferably under 800$, that could handle well Quad 12L2 speakers and that could be use to feed a SRD-7 Mk2/SR-007 at the same time? My source for the moment is an Apogee Duet. Here are the specs of the Quad speakers:
  14. Did Mr. X send you a receipt by email for the repairs that were done by Mr. Oliver? If the repairs were indeed done, perhaps you could contact Mr. Oliver and he could help you trace Mr. X. It's a long shot, but other than that, I don't know which direction you could take unless you know the street address of Mr. X.
  15. GPH

    The Live Music Thread

    Hey, I'll be attending the PH show too. Row H, seat 41.
  16. Yup, price was pretty nice too.
  17. Quad 12L2 Now, all I need is an amp to drive these and the SR-007 out of the SRD-7 Mk2.
  18. Yeah, that's great news. I'm on the free MobileMe trial right now, but I don't plan paying 100$/year for it when the trial ends.
  19. GPH

    Wish me luck!

    May the force be with you.
  20. I don't even know what that expression means, I'll have to google that.
  21. Apple is not known for missing opportunities to make more money. BTW, my MacBook with 4GB of RAM runs smoother than every Vista-based laptop I've ever seen.
  22. I've been using OmniFocus for a couple of days on the MacBook and the iPod Touch and I have to say it's the first iPhone/iTouch app I feel it's worth paying for. This application is awesome, it's exactly what I was looking for managing my time and I already couldn't live without it. Any users here?
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