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Everything posted by GPH

  1. Welcome back!
  2. The guy who paid 4700$ for the pair on sale before that one must feel kind of bad. A difference of 1600$ for small scratches on the cups. He probably doesn't give a shit though if he could afford paying 4700$ on a pair of PS-1.
  3. I like that, you guys have vetos on each others sales. I totally understand your reasoning, I would have jumped the BH too had I seen the thread right after it was posted, but by the time I saw it there were already three replies and probably many more PMs.
  4. Happy birthday!
  5. Congrats on buying the KGSS DX, it's an outstanding amp with the O2. The SRD-7 Mk2 that I have now is fine, but I miss the great resolution, tight bass and more refined sound that the KGSS provided. Mike surely didn't keep it for long.
  6. GPH


    Nazi Germans were hardly "socialists" in the usual sense of the word and they were certainly not looking for social equality. Also, to me, your vision of the world seems very closed-minded and USA-centric, and dividing everything between good and evil is childish. Give some rational arguments to help us to understand your point of view instead of posting stupidities.
  7. Happy birthday!
  8. He used to write pretty good reviews (compared to Head-fi standards anyway), but my opinion of him went downhill very fast in the last couple of months. He went from "sharing his knowledge about modding Denon headphones" to "help a couple of guys who didn't want to do the mods themselves", to "start a new legion of fanboys" and now "having a fugly website and selling overpriced Jena cables". He even took time between all that to display some asshatery on Head-case a few months ago.
  9. Wow, that's a godly electrostatic rack! Looking forward to impressions.
  10. GPH

    Wet Shaving

    This thread is attracting wet shaving fetishists to Head-case!
  11. I've listened to the 202 only for a short time at a dealer and thought it sounded great and shared many similarities with the 404 and the Lambdas. For the price, it's awesome you can't do much better than this (other than used Stax). You'll want to try the Omega 2 sometimes in the future, that's a fact, but you'll certainly enjoy your purchase in the meantime.
  12. Rare pair of Stax DA-100M mono amplifiers - eBay (item 220308549661 end time Nov-14-08 23:57:09 PST) The guy is charging 400USD$ for shipping, I don't even want to imagine how much these cost. [url=http://cgi.ebay.com/Rare-pair-of-Stax-DA-100M-mono-amplifiers_W0QQitemZ220308549661QQcmdZViewItemQQssPageNameZRSS:B:SRCH:US:101]
  13. Are you ruling out IEMs? Etymotic ER4S, when properly amped, sounds better to my ears than all the closed phones I've heard, and that includes Denon D5000. It also provides much better isolation, perhaps too much in certain situations. Closed phones have a weird resonance that makes the bass somewhat boomy and I'm really not a fan of that type of sound.
  14. DIY Swiss Army knife.
  15. Dr. Gilmore, what's your main music listening system right now? I remember you having that crazy Krell SACD player, but what else?
  16. GPH


    My view on the topic as a non-American is that Obama inspires a lot of people in the USA and around the world and brings some fresh air in US politics. That's a very good thing IMO. He may or may not stand up in the future to what people want him to be, but for now, in the present, he connected with a lot of people that were not interested in politics previously or were cynical about it and gave hope to these persons. Sure, when putting some thought into it, we could say it's all sentimental BS and pretty artificial, but countries need strong leaders with character and new ideas, especially in time of crisis, and I think that's exactly what Obama brings to the table. Also, like it or not, Bush really sabotaged US foreign relations, and it's good to see a president that will likely be more open and try to re-build some bridges that were previously destroyed. I kind of hope also that the US will stop to follow Israel's agenda in the Middle East, but my expectations are low on that point.
  17. GPH

    Pissing Contest

    Why not just delete the non-sense aggressive posts and let the thread live? Political discussion is interesting when handled well. I'm just a Quebecer anyway so my opinion is worthless on this topic.
  18. GPH


    Certainly a step in the right direction.
  19. When I use my ER4S in the metro, I don't hear the metro. That itself is a good reason for me to keep them. They sound pretty good also, but they do lack some bass if used straight from an iPod, which is what I do most of the time.
  20. I'm more excited about the outcome of these elections than the ones we had in Canada three weeks ago and the ones we'll have in Quebec in a month.
  21. I haven't heard the L3000, but you should have more than enough bass for your tastes with the O2 Mk1.
  22. Good job for snagging that one, it was a real good deal. Can't wait to hear your impressions of how it compares to the KGSS DX.
  23. What do you guys think about the pricing? At 1000$, I was thinking of trying them for 30 days, but 1500$ is a little too much IMO for hand-made Chinese headphones with reliability problems in the past. Meet impressions aren't too favorable also, but there's a small group of people on H-F who praise them a lot. We'll see what what the verdict is when more people will have them.
  24. Playing Ringo drum parts will be quite a thrill.
  25. Cool pictures, must be very fun to watch live! Are you the mad scientist in the second photo?
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