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Everything posted by GPH

  1. The ESP-950 are very nice and I think I prefer them to the Lambdas I've heard (Signature and 404) because they don't have the so-called treble "etch", but one thing to consider is that the soundstage is not that great compared to most high-end headphones so you might want to look elsewhere if it's something important for you. It's not bad like a Grado, but it could definitely be bigger and with better spacial cues. Other than that, I'm a big fan of these cans. I've been on the verge of selling them for a while to clear up some money, but I still haven't done it. They're in the hands of Koss right now because there was a buzzing in one channel. When they come back, I'll have to do a match up with the HD650 to see who stays in the house.
  2. Yes - Close To The Edge (Barry Diament master)
  3. Are R10 drivers still available in case something fails or it's completely out of stock? Very good job on the cleaning part BTW, it takes some guts to play inside a 4000$ headphone like that.
  4. GPH

    Hi-end IEM's

    Dude, this is not Head-fi here. Try to put more substance in your posts when you describe headphones or you'll get bashed like in your thread about japanese music.
  5. My KGSS had always-on bias and I left the O2 plugged in all the time, so warm-up didn't apply, but when I had a T1S, the warming up of the tubes made a pretty big difference. Also, at a meet, I compared two O2, both plugged in a SRD-7 Pro and using a Quad II amp, one that was in there for quite a while and one that was just plugged in and I noticed a slight difference. Slight difference in meet conditions means probably no difference in real life.
  6. Learning how to properly write a document in LaTeX.
  7. Very well written review, thumbs up. If you ever bring the player to a Toronto meet, perhaps I'd consider making the trip.
  8. There's one thing I don't understand in this whole SP debacle. When you guys who deal with Mikhail (Icarium, blubliss, etc.) are talking to him over the phone, are you showing him that you're angry and very tired of all this mess? If it was me, I'd have trouble controlling my language and not shouting at him after all these lies. It's easier to tell BS in email than in real life, I'd be curious to hear how he defends himself in a live conversation.
  9. I browsed the inductee list just for fun and didn't see any mention of Genesis or Peter Gabriel. Big time fail (pun intended).
  10. Don't you have access to lab rooms? Probably a better idea than doing it in a dorm room. Also, since when do deans contact students directly about things like this... weird.
  11. Make a man of yourself and build your own DAC. If you build line-out docks, you probably already have some of the necessary tools. I don't know if there are surface mounts to do on the Buffalo, that can be harder (and I still suck at it), but it's good experience. Good luck!
  12. AudiogoN ForSale: Stax SR-Sigma "Stax SR-Sigma Panoramic Pro, These were totally reconditioned by Birgir Gu
  13. Excellent, now let's schedule another meet in Montreal.
  14. Sweet. I'll definitely buy myself a pair of electrostatic speakers (Maggies or old Quads) once I buy a house, but that's not for another couple of years.
  15. What are you doing posting here then while you could be buying the speakers?
  16. LMAO, how can you sell a cable for a headphone that's not even released yet? I bet they haven't even tested it on a real HD800, yet they say this: Hopefully not too many people fall for this scam.
  17. Sweet looking rig Mike. It truly deserves a bigger room though with a jazz painting or poster in the back... kind of like Voltron's room.
  18. Happy birthday!
  19. Quick follow-up to my MacBook cracking problem: I left my laptop at the Apple store yesterday morning, they told me it would take 3-5 days to repair it because their was also a problem with the screen (faulty board inverter or something like that). They called me yesterday night at 9PM to told me the repair was done and I could pick it up anytime. I've rarely been that pleased with customer service.
  20. GPH


    It says USA only, but he was had no problem shipping to Canada in my case. Where are you located?
  21. GPH


    I also bought from that seller, he is willing to bargain a little bit.
  22. Cool. It still sucks if I have to replace the top case every year, but at least I know it's possible to do so.
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