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High Rollers
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Everything posted by GPH

  1. When was the last time that the Caps win the Stanley Cup? Oh wait, never.
  2. Agreed, but we'd have to win more than two games in a row for the rest of the season for that to happen.
  3. There's been more talk about hockey than everything else in the newspapers here in the last few weeks. K brothers friendship with a drug trafficker, rumors that Price-Higgins-Kostsytin are always partying, Kovalev not playing for two games, Laracque badmouthing the coach, Schneider return in Montreal, Begin traded, etc. etc. Hockey is a big drama in Montreal. Anyway, can't wait for good playoff games, if we are able to make it that is. Caps vs Habs would make a great first round, two very fast teams.
  4. I've tried many IEMs (Shure E4c, Shure SE530, Westone 3, UE Super.fi 5 Pro, UE Triple.fi 10 Pro, Altec iM716, possibly others) and I always come back to my good old Etymotic ER4P. Their sound is not for everybody, as they lack bass punch and the mids are a little bit thin compared to most headphones out there, but at the same time they're the only universal IEMs that somehow remind me of high-end headphones, electrostats in particular. They're far from being on the same level as even the cheapest Stax, but their speed and transparency is unequaled IMO in the universal IEM field.
  5. Yipee Ki-yay motherfucker.
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. Nope, only versions for deaf people. That's the main reason why I only listen to Brave New World in the cheap car stereo, otherwise it makes my ears bleed in a good headphone or speaker setup.
  8. Brave New World and A Matter of Life and Death are excellent, but I find the rest pretty hit or miss and none of these albums can hold a candle to the classic NOTB - Seventh Son period. Iron Maiden is probably the best heavy metal live act I've ever seen though, so if you haven't seen them yet, I'd suggest jumping on the first occasion before they stop touring.
  9. Iron Maiden - Virtual XI Worst Maiden album by far, but it features a couple of good tracks.
  10. Nobody's here to feed you, there's a lot of stuff to read in books and on the internet on this particular subject. And I don't see anyone insulting you.
  11. What was the point of your comment then?
  12. You assumed that cheaper speaker amps would work just as good with headphones than this amp. What's that if not talking through your hat?
  13. Thanks for the well-written review, that's one amp I'd really love to try with the HD650.
  14. Commenting on a design from the impression that you get from it without even hearing the amp in question is pretty lame. There's a better headphone forum for that kind of discussion, I think you're already a member.
  15. Good point. Although I don't have a Stax amp at the moment, I've used the ESP950 mostly with a KGSS and SRD-7 Mk2. Probably would have sold the phones if I didn't hear them with a quality amp.
  16. It's sad to read that, headphone meets are supposed to be about having fun, chatting with friends and trying gear in a relax environment, not some kind of audiophile society fund raising bullshit. I always found that headphone guys and diy-ers are usually more friendly and down-to-earth than your typical "audiophile" and this seems like a perfect example.
  17. Dunno, but I'll send everything just to make sure that they don't call me again. I find it weird that they just can't replace the headphones alone in the first place, I might actually give them a call to understand why.
  18. Funny that you mention this, I just came back home and I had a message from Koss Corporation on the answering machine. The lady said that I need to send the whole package, including the "transmitter" (in her own words ) and everything that was included with the headphones in order for them to apply the warranty. I had just sent the headphones, but I guess they need everything. Doesn't bother me too much, I've been quite busy at university lately and don't have much time for headphone listening. Hopefully, it will also give time to Justin to deliver my Pico.
  19. I really dig Eloy too, it works as a quick fix when I'm tired of classic Floyd albums. Lyrics make me cringe though, they rank pretty high on the cheese scale, but otherwise it's a great band. I love the following album too, Silent Cries and Mighty Echoes.
  20. I found a sample, it sounds pretty good with a lot of moog and vintage synth effects. Quite far from what his father was doing.
  21. That's not his story, I remember reading that on multiple forums. [url=http://www.google.ca/search?hl=fr&q=%22My+wonderful+girlfriend+and+I+had+been+dating+for+over+a+year%2C%22&btnG=Recherche+Google&meta=]
  22. Agreed, I wish they'd have kept the PS-1 body. Like some people mentioned, the problem with Grado is in the details. On the PS-1000, the plastic rods kills the quality feeling of the whole design IMO. Of course, if it sounds good, nobody will talk about that, but I have to admit I'm a sucker for good-looking audio gear and it's not like Grado aren't capable of producing something beautiful, they're the ones who made the HP1000 series.
  23. I did a search on Wikipedia and found out that this guy is Boris Vian's son, pretty cool! How's the music? I tried to find a sample, but it looks quite obscure.
  24. Happy birthday Dan!
  25. Artist: Van Der Graaf Generator Album: Still life Song: La Rossa
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