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High Rollers
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Everything posted by GPH

  1. Just so you know, translucent black is actually more grey than black, but I've read somewhere that you can specify the opacity if you actually want it darker. I posted a pic of my pair a few pages back if you want to see what it looks like.
  2. Thanks mate, I ordered the part from eBay.
  3. Bummer, I went to use my Hakko 936 today and found out that the ceramic element in the soldering pen (Hakko 907) is broken. Does anyone know if it's possible to replace just that part or do I have to replace the whole pen? And if it's the case, any cheaper alternatives than buying the official Hakko part?
  4. Happy birthday!
  5. Happy birthday!
  6. It might be a question of fit, but I think the bass quantity on my pair is perfect. More of it might be a bit too much for my tastes. For reference, I think the SR-007 out of a KGSS has just the right amount of bass for headphones.
  7. GPH

    Happy New Year

    Bonne ann
  8. Happy birthday! 29 shovel hits for you!
  9. Happy birthday Chris!
  10. I'll say it, as crazy as it seems, I think the JH13 are a very good deal at 1100$. Out of a 60$ Sansa Clip+, they sound better than pretty much every rig I've owned or heard at meets. The only setup I remember enjoying as much was when I had the SR-007 with a KGSS, and it did cost at least 3x more. The JH13 are not flawless, but the sound is so cohesive that it just draws you into the music and you don't think about anything else. I'm listening to Suzanne Vega right now and her voice sounds plain heavenly.
  11. Suzanne Vega - Solitude Standing Incredible voice.
  12. A live concert is much more than music, seeing the performers and interacting with them is at least as important and you can't reproduce that with your hi-fi setup.
  13. I got those two albums from The Monkey: Thao with the Get Down Stay Down - Know Better Learn Faster The Feelies - Crazy Rhythms Excellent picks, because they're both very different from what I usually listen to. I listened quickly to the second one the other night, but I was coming from a party and was a bit drunk so I don't have an opinion yet. I gave a couple of spins to the first one though and I like it. Indie-ish music with a weird experimental edge, it sounds very fresh. Thanks for the gifts Dinny!
  14. Happy birthday!
  15. Steve Hackett - Voyage of the Acolyte
  16. Cat Stevens - Tea for the Tillerman (MFSL)
  17. Another pair entering "la belle province"?
  18. With her taste for luxury, how come the ESP950 are built with so cheap materials? Sad story for people involved.
  19. Thanks guys! I just got back from seeing the extended family, the 25th is the more classy day with a big family dinner and everything, the real "get drunk" day with my friends is always a few days before (December 21 this year). One of the cool things at least with having your birthday on Christmas is getting birthday wishes by all the cousins, uncles and aunts.
  20. Gentle Giant - In A Glass House
  21. On this day of celebration, I want to thank all the JH13 crack dealers (boomana, jp#, tyrion, etc.) for pushing these wonderful IEMs. I've been rediscovering my music collection once again in the past week and I can hardly find any flaws with these phones, and that's out of a portable source. Can't wait to listen to them on a proper setup.
  22. Happy birthday Ric, it sucks to have your birthday on Christmas day...
  23. Happy birthday Ken!
  24. Cool! This one and Morrocan Roll are the albums to play to Phil Collins naysayers. Smoking drum performance.
  25. Shit, I ordered one based on your recommendation Stretch, should have known better. No, but seriously, I've been hunting for a GLite for a while and they get snatched in a matter of minutes on Head-fi. And they're a bit expensive at HeadAmp right now with the recent price increase, so a cheap and KG-approved Dynalo sounds like a good plan. I'll report back when I get it, shipping is supposed to be 2-5 days.
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