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High Rollers
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Everything posted by GPH

  1. No camera? Weird...
  2. Sounds like a fine data plan for Americans, we'll get ripped out here as always. The iPad leaves me pretty cold so far...
  3. That's what I hope. One thing that can make or break the deal for me is the kind of display that it uses. I can only read stuff on my iPod Touch for a limited amount of time before getting eye fatigue, while I can read paper textbooks all day and be perfectly fine. The perspective of getting all my school books on a functional 10'' device is very interesting.
  4. Forest City Lovers - Haunting Moon Sinking Caught that band on the radio the other day, indie-ish folk music from Toronto with beautiful female vocals. I dig the album so far.
  5. McGraw-Hill CEO Confirms Apple Tablet, iPhone OS Based, Going to Be "Terrific" - Mac Forums
  6. Didn't know that, thanks! Problem solved.
  7. One small thing that's been bugging me: When you click on "New Posts", the menu with "New Posts", "Private Messages, etc. is replaced by another irrelevant menu so I have to go back to the previous page if I want to access the "Quick Links" menu to go to "Subscribed Threads". In the old layout, the menu with "User CP", "Members", etc. always stayed on top.
  8. 1000$ for a glorified netbook seems a bit over-the-top, even in Apple land, unless it has incredible specs or some revolutionary concept. My guess would be 500-600$ without contract, but we'll find out the truth tomorrow.
  9. I'm intrigued by these headphones, impressions are all over the place and I can't quite figure out if they'd fit with my tastes. I read a few reviews mentioning a hot treble, but now some guys here are saying they are laid back and I can't see these two things being true at the same time unless I don't get the meaning of "hot treble". I believe there's a guy with a pair in Montreal, I'll have to try them at our next meet. You're confusing "being beaten down" with "not being able to take criticism".
  10. Thanks for the smooth upgrade Todd! I'm not a fan of the big red envelopes in the different sub-forums and I'd prefer a more minimalist theme, but I'll get used to it, not a big deal.
  11. Ok, let's say I'd prefer a modified version of the real OS X rather than a stupid-people-proof version of OS X then.
  12. Even though my hopes are low, I'd really hope for a modified OS X rather than something based on the iPhone OS. I love to have a certain feel of control with my computers and I think OS X is the perfect blend of control, simplicity and real-world usability. I wouldn't really care for a full-size iPhone. (I say this now, watch me with my tablet in two months )
  13. Happy birthday!
  14. It will be interesting to see where JH Audio is going with the JH16, I for one wouldn't care for a JH13 with more bass. The JH13 are not perfect, but the one thing I really like about them is their uncolored presentation and boosting the bass (mostly mid-bass I would guess) would derail from their neutral character. If I had to propose improvements for the JH13, they'd be: - Wider soundstage (mostly front-to back, not sure if it's possible to implement such a thing in IEMs) - A bit more "sparkle" in the treble region Otherwise, I'm still in love with them and they're the most enjoyable headphones I've had in my possession along with the SR-007. Still, it's interesting to see new developments in high-end customs and I'll be looking forward tyrion's impressions.
  15. Happy birthday!
  16. GPH

    The Quad thread

    Great impressions postjack, very interesting! I remember being blown away by the vocal presentation of the ESL-57, and from what I read the ESL-63 share a lot of similarities, so I can see why you like them so much.
  17. Anyone here heard the Twag cable? I could swear everyone in the JH13 over there has one and they talk about it like it's the second coming. I'm not planning on buying one, if only because of the stupid name, but I'm curious to hear opinions. I had APS-recabled ER4S at some point and I remember hearing a difference compared to the stock cable, but not to the level that some people talk about this Twag cable. My main problem with those IEM aftermarket cables is that they're much less flexible than the stock cables which makes them very unpractical on the go.
  18. GPH

    The Live Music Thread

    Montreal Symphony Orchestra concert:
  19. Lil' Knight, I'm curious, how do the custom SE530 compare to your JH13?
  20. Nate (in red) vs the JH13 mob (in black):
  21. GPH

    Canjam 2010.

    IEMs are not for covering big areas, they're meant for insertion.
  22. Happy birthday!
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