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Everything posted by GPH

  1. Based on Jude's review of the JH16, I'd recommend the JH13 all the way, but I'm not familiar with his tastes and I don't know if his reviews are to be trusted.
  2. Apple marketing > The Monkey
  3. That must be one huge-ass file sampling at 96MHz! With that said, I'm sure there'd be a market for such an audiofool format.
  4. Timex T5G941 heart rate monitor
  5. I don't know if I'm alone in this, but I'm still puzzled by the Search function since the forum upgrade. For example, I search "the descent" in "Search Single Content Type". I get the search results by post, except there's no post preview like in the old interface (I really miss this option). Then, no matter which post I click on, it always brings me to the last page of the thread. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. Re-cased TTVJ Slim from Dinny. A steal at 2950$!
  8. If you like the bass presentation of the D2000, the JH13 might not have enough low-end for you. I heard the modded and non-modded versions of the D2000 at a meet and in both cases I felt overwhelmed by the bass, the JH13 on the other hand I find it just perfect. For reference, other headphones with bass presentation that I really like: Sennheiser HD650, Stax SR-001, Stax SR-007.
  9. Before krmathis pops up with a "nice impressions guys, but where are the pictures?" kind of comment, here's what the JH Audio demo material looks like for those who haven't seen it.
  10. OK, I've been doing the Voltron insertion technique and sound is now closer to the real thing. Having to play with tips like that just reminded me how much I enjoy my switch to customs.
  11. Listening to the JH13 demo right now, I think it gives a general idea of the JH13 sound signature, but it doesn't sound nearly as smooth and it's much less resolving. Perhaps I need to play with the fit a bit, I'm having a hard time with those yellow foam tips.
  12. How much did you pay the agent to say that?
  13. Paging Voltron, motherfucker.
  14. Did JH Audio provide a bunch of tips with the demos or did you have to bring yours? I'm not sure I have enough tips left at my place to suit everyone at our meet next week-end, I'll have to think about a plan B.
  15. That's right, except for us francophones in Quebec, we find him ridiculous and we remember the disgraceful comments he made about French-speaking players and Europeans. They went as far as to honor him at the Canadian Parliament, I'm glad he was booed by a few Quebec deputies. I'm as surprised as you are by the Habs this year, they have an honest and pretty balanced team. I wish they'd have traded Price though, but otherwise I think we have a very decent roster. Enjoy the game!
  16. That's awesome, I certainly did not know that.
  17. If someone do that they'll get poutine up their ass because JH Audio have my credit card number and I don't feel like getting another 1000$ bill.
  18. Very nice, I got in contact with JH Audio and they're lending us a demo pair of JH13 for our Montreal meet.
  19. Happy birthday!
  20. Happy birthday Smeggy!
  21. Bruins playing badly is good... at least from my perspective.
  22. I don't know if it's all in my head or if it has to do with the fact that JH Audio works a lot with pro musicians, but I find there's an awesome synergy between the JH13 and live albums. Not that it doesn't sound wonderful with everything else, but I like the way the JH13 reproduce the energy of live shows, crowd noise, applauds, etc. Maybe it's something in the frequency response or maybe I'm imagining stuff, but I don't remember enjoying the live albums in my collection so much with any headphones I had previously. I was listening to "Live after Death" sooner today it was rocking big time! SCREEEAAAM FOR ME LONG BEACH!!!!
  23. GPH

    Godspeed Naaman!

    Best of luck Naaman, stay safe!
  24. It's muddy indeed and quite bass-heavy, but it's miles better than the remasters IMO. But muddy or not, Chris Squire's bass in Siberian Khatru kicks my ass on every listen.
  25. Imogen Heap - Speak For Yourself I'm liking this, good pop music and the sound quality of the recording is great.
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