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High Rollers
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Everything posted by GPH

  1. It's that time of the year again guys, now the real season begins. Make your picks!
  2. To be fair, I should add that I've not tried to replace my Dynalo by the TTVJ Slim to see how it performs in my home setup. So it's not really the TTVJ Slim I'm disappointed in, more the illusion that something portable with an iPod could rival my home setup.
  3. I'm listening to my JH13 with the TTVJ Slim right now, doing some comparisons with my unamped iPod Touch and also my home setup. I have to say the difference between iPod Touch -> JH13 and iPod Touch -> TTVJ Slim -> JH13 to my ears is much smaller than I thought it would be according to the reviews I had read. A bit more bass in quantity, perhaps a slightly expanded left/right image with a tad less congestion, but these differences are all very minor and I'm pretty sure I couldn't tell the difference in a blind test. When I plug the JH13 in my home setup, now that's another game, the improvement is immediate and easily noticeable. I'm a bit disappointed by the TTVJ Slim to be honest, it's kind of reminding me why I stopped caring about portable amps a while ago.
  4. Les Colocs - s/t
  5. I'd like to add two of my absolute favorite rock guitarists to this thread. Andy Latimer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJmMr1Io8wY&feature=PlayList&p=C088EBC395C27E48&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=16 Steve Rothery: (wonderful solo at 2:45)
  6. Another possibility is that your USB cables need more burn-in.
  7. I don't have much experience with troubleshooting Macs, but maybe this might help: Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
  8. I like your style, dude. Nah, seriously, I always appreciate a good rant and especially when I agree with the content. I'm pretty good at ranting myself, but not in English unfortunately.
  9. Happy birthday!
  10. Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso - Io Sono Nato Libero
  11. How would you feel if a complete stranger came to your house and started criticizing your way of doing things?
  12. Happy birthday!
  13. I'm sure you can figure it out by yourself.
  14. Judas Priest - Painkiller
  15. How do you like the software keyboard guys after two days of use? I'm a touch typer and can go quite fast on a real keyboard, the virtual keyboard is one of my worries with the iPad.
  16. Happy birthday!
  17. How does it feel holding the Web in your hands?
  18. PFM - Storia Di Un Minuto Wonderful music, one of my favorite prog albums.
  19. Congrats man, looking great! What source are you using?
  20. It's a very good thing the release date is April 24th in Canada or I might have well succumbed to an impulse buy tomorrow morning. Anyway, as long as my MacBook keeps running smoothly, I have absolutely no reason to buy an iPad, but for some strange reason I keep coming back to this thread...
  21. Emerson, Lake & Palmer - s/t
  22. Rage Against The Machine - s/t
  23. I'm not 100% sure, but I think the demo had about the same bass quantity as the customs, but as I already said I had a hard time achieving a good fit. The bass quality is way better on my customs though; the texture, especially in the lowest registers, is damn impressive. If I had to complain about some things on the JH13, the bass certainly wouldn't be one of them.
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