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High Rollers
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Everything posted by GPH

  1. Cinema Pardiso OST Beautiful movie, beautiful soundtrack.
  2. Oh man, that was an ugly game. The Habs started like lions, but that lasted about 25 minutes. After that, complete domination by the Caps, it was not even funny. At least I had fun with friends and the beer helped digesting the defeat... thrill of victory, agony of defeat they say. \
  3. If you want an even simpler solution, there's Cog which is playlist-based and perfect for FLAC drag & drop.
  4. Have you tried it? I usually agree with your opinion on QT, but the interface is so simple here that there's nothing to dislike really. It probably doesn't respect Apple aesthetic guidelines, but who cares, now I have a simple library-based FLAC player that works!
  5. Finally, a decent music player on OS X! clementine-player - Project Hosting on Google Code It's an Amarok 1.4 port, still in early development, but the latest beta works pretty fine for me. Make sure to grab the latest version because earlier ones crashed on opening.
  6. Have you considered Beyers? They're open, but leak less than most open phones. I found the DT770 awful and DT990 has a weird frequency response, but I thought the DT880 were pretty OK.
  7. Let's make this official:
  8. Nice! When I looked at the score before going to sleep, they were losing. San Jose is my team in the West, go Sharks! Good stuff, the worst places are where the ambiance is the best most of the time, at least that's how it is here.
  9. Pink Floyd - The Wall
  10. I always think San Jose will go far in the playoffs telling myself "this will be their year" and they continue to disappoint, not unlike the Sens. Great regular season teams, but they can't take the heat of the playoffs!
  11. It's not that I don't like it, I just find it's hassle to carry it around with my Touch considering the very small increase in sound quality (to my ears). The low-profile form factor of the Pico Slim might suit me better, we'll see.
  12. I might sell mine in a few days, I'd like to compare it with the Slim first though.
  13. Apparently, Ovechkin knows what's the Caps weakest link and he tried to do the dirty job himself and get him injured today, but he failed. Theodore leaves the ice after being hit by Ovechkin shot
  14. It's an indicator that you've reached the recommended level of burn-in.
  15. Nope, I missed pompon this time around, we weren't there on the same day.
  16. Cool, I'll be interested to read your thoughts. I'm planning to change the gain myself soon on my unit, 11 is way too high for the JH13. Stepped attenuator, I'm not a big fan unless the steps are really close. How many steps is he using?
  17. Nah, I believe in the 'live and let live' approach when it comes to cables, as long as the person is reasonable and admits there's a chance it's all placebo.
  18. Opeth - Ghost Reveries In retrospect, it's one of their albums that I enjoy the most. Reverie/Harlequin Forest is awesome and I love the slower tracks Hours of Wealth and Isolation Years. Plus the cover art is killer.
  19. Concerning the cable, one thing I noticed when I had the demo is that the clear cable and black cable do not feel the same way. The clear cable is smoother/softer to the touch while the black cable is a bit stiffer. I prefer black equipment for aesthetic reasons, but I think I preferred the feel of the clear cable. One guy at the Montreal meet pretended that the clear cable sounded better than the black cable... not sure about that. Also, the 64'' length works great for my needs, 48'' is ok for portable, but it's a bit too short for home use IMO.
  20. They've slowed down a bit since the '96 final against Colorado.
  21. Let's get the ball puck rolling: East Washington vs Montreal: Montreal in 4 (Washington in 6) New Jersey vs Philadelphia: New Jersey in 7 Buffalo vs Boston: Buffalo in 6 Pittsburgh vs Ottawa: Pittsburgh in 5 West San Jose vs Colorado: San Jose in 4 Chicago vs Nashville: Nashville in 7 Vancouver vs Los Angeles: Vancouver in 6 Phoenix vs Detroit: Detroit in 5
  22. With that said, I'm happy we're playing against Washington and not NJ, that would have been a massacre. The regular season games showed that the Habs can rival the Caps, and like they say, anything can happen in the playoffs. Go Habs go!
  23. They qualified for the playoffs by gaining a point in an OT lose against the Leafs. Nuff said.
  24. That the Habs will at least extend the series to 5 games? Yes.
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