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High Rollers
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Everything posted by GPH

  1. GPH

    Guess who game

    My first guess was Immortal, but I don't think it's them.
  2. GPH

    Guess who game

    Cheater! Now you have to follow up with another picture.
  3. GPH

    Guess who game

    That's a low blow. Same era, but different musical style.
  4. GPH

    Guess who game

    EDIT: ^^^^ Looks like Yanni? One of the cheesiest band pictures ever.
  5. You'll get mocked anyway at the Montreal-Washington game, Halak or no Halak.
  6. My first reaction to the news was a big WTF, but it might be a smart move on the long run. Very risky though, the two guys are not established players, but they're very good prospects.
  7. Need moar pics!
  8. Looks awesome in opaque black.
  9. Iron Maiden - El Dorado I hope the rest of The Final Frontier will be better than this... a bit disappointed considering I really liked AMOLAD.
  10. Well deserved victory by the Hawks and a very enjoyable series overall by both teams. I'm glad Hossa can finally hold the Cup!
  11. Awesome game! I still believe Hossa is cursed.
  12. I was expecting a new Tyll picture when I opened this thread. Hats off for having the courage to post your story, this kind of honesty is one of the great aspects of HC. And who cares if you're gay or straight, as long as we don't start seeing more George Michael and Boy George in the "What are you listening right now?" thread.
  13. I like the concept, very innovative. It's not really practical for portable use and needs to be refined aesthetically IMO, but it's nice to see a headphone company trying new things and not just rehashing old portable amp designs. I'll be interested to read people thoughts at CJ assuming they're sober enough to make the difference between this and iBuds.
  14. Marillion - Marbles
  15. For the sake of argument, isn't the Dynalo designed for low-Z cans? I'm open to the possibility that the AD2000 might sound better in other setups, but I think it might just be a case here of 'different strokes for different folks'.
  16. Yeah, synergy might be it, because at meets I thought it sounded better than what I'm hearing now. It should be noted that I usually prefer "darker" headphones (O2, HD650, SR-001, etc.).
  17. I didn't find a proper thread to reply to, so I'll resurrect this old one. I have a loaner pair of AD2000 right now and I really don't get why many people are enamored with these headphones. I had heard them at a few meets before, but the owner of this pair kept telling me that I needed to hear them in a silent environment to really appreciate them. Well, that's what I'm doing right now and I still think they're more or less crap. They do some things well, like a lot of air in the sound and excellent detail retrieval. But to my ears the bad far outweighs the good. They are painfully bright in my system and the cymbals hurt my brain. They lack bass quantity big time and the vocals are a bit distant and not engaging at all. And I'm not sure how to put it, but they sound artificial in the treble, a bit like the Lambda Sigs I had a while ago. It was truly a relief to listen to the same songs on my JH13 after a short session with the AD2K, the JH13 are some of the most balanced phones I've heard. Unless someone is looking for a very bright sound signature and/or is a cymbals-head, I really wouldn't recommend these headphones based on the listening I have done in my system.
  18. GPH

    Audeze LCD-2

    I'm looking forward to Tice vs Pico Slim impressions.
  19. Clepsydra - Fears It really deserves a price for the fugly cover art, but it's a great neo-prog album nonetheless, in the same vein as the Collage album above.
  20. Collage - Moonshine Awesome album for fans of Genesis, Marillion, IQ, etc.
  21. GPH

    Audeze LCD-2

    I suggest to watch a few Texas Ranger episodes for inspiration.
  22. I got to try an iPad today at the Apple-authorized retailer inside my university. I was very surprised they already had some in stock, I thought you would only be able to buy them at the Apple store on release date. There were only 3-4 other people interested to try it, so I got sufficient time to play with the different apps. It's a very nice gadget, I was impressed by its build quality and the superb screen, but at the same time it doesn't thrill me like many Apple products did in the past. I can't help but feel it's just an oversized iPod Touch, a toy basically. Maybe after owning one for some time I'd change my mind, but I have a hard time figuring out where an iPad fits between a laptop and a smartphone in terms of real-life use.
  23. GPH

    Audeze LCD-2

    Try another search for "johnson".
  24. New squash racket: Dunlop Aerogel 4D Pro GT-X
  25. Well it was a fun ride with the Habs this year, the season got stretched out a bit longer than anyone here expected. I'm going to pull for Chicago in the final because I prefer talent over brutality, not that Chicago can't be brutal if they decide to. He's a good player, but I think that's quite an exaggeration.
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