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Everything posted by GPH

  1. It was straightforward indeed, just plug and play and since all the connectors are different, it's pretty much impossible to screw up. The Antec 300 case was very easy to work with plenty of space to put everything so I didn't encounter any trouble. One thing I might change though is the stock top and rear fans which are controlled by Low-Medium-High manual switches, I'd prefer something I can plug on the motherboard. I've been playing some Mass Effect 2 and Half-Life 2 (old I know, but my laptop couldn't handle it) and it's definitely a lot of fun to be able to play recent games with graphics at high. I'll be buying SC2 this week, it's a good thing I'm not too busy this month.
  2. For those of you who enjoy a bit of geekiness.
  3. GPH

    New Nano?

    I really dig the new Nano, but I already have a Sansa Clip+ that's perfect for this kind of use (running, gym, etc.). I wouldn't replace my Touch with anything else (except an iPhone maybe).
  4. One thing I noticed is that it took a few days for my ears to adjust to the customs. I had some minor pain at first, but after that the fit was perfect. I don't know if those who needed refits sent them back right away after a day or two, but that's something to think about. I guess the audiologist and how he takes the impressions plays a big part in the equation too.
  5. Happy birthday Jack!
  6. Comment est ton fran
  7. Solid advice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atUMZu6lExg
  8. I just placed my order, thanks guys for the help. Next step will be to assemble the system when it arrives, I'm looking forward to that.
  9. Good call, I made the update. Funny how every time I add a new item they kill my price match.
  10. Yeah, all that because of a very strong itch to play SC2.
  11. Here's what it looks like, total at 943.63$CAD (891.34$US). Any comments/objections? Thanks for all the help guys btw, I'm kind of like these Head-fi noobs when it comes to building PCs.
  12. There's no video card though I think? Looks pretty much like the build I'm doing right now, I'll compare the prices in the end to see which is the better deal.
  13. They have a Canadian site, but they don't have the same deals or packages than the US website.
  14. I have the GTX460 on my cart already, looks like a nice performer and just about 50$ more than the ATI 5770 I had put previously. I'm still confused about the Core i5 vs Phenom X6 1055t, I've read some info about both and apparently the i5 is better for gaming, but the X6 would be a better long-term investment because it has moar cores... It's pretty much the only thing I've not decided yet, well with the motherboard of course.
  15. Right now, I'm tempted by their 50$ "PC Assembly and Testing With 1 Year Limited NCIX System Warranty (PRE-CONFIG WIN. OS If Purchased)", but I think building it myself would be a good learning experience.
  16. Nice, that's exactly what I have on my shopping cart right now. I'm going pretty much with the build in the link Deepak posted, I'm at a bit more than 900$, but I haven't done any price matching yet.
  17. I just googled "i5 750 vs Phenom II X6 1055t" and it's full of flame wars and endless discussions that make Head-case look like a civilized place.
  18. Thanks, that's the kind of guide I was looking for. I was thinking too about going i5, but then I started looking at AMD chips which are quite a bit cheaper. Any significant advantage for going with Intel?
  19. I've had in mind for a while to build myself a decent gaming PC (~1000$) and I've started researching on the subject today. After a few hours of reading, I have to say I'm still clueless about which hardware to choose and I'm fucking overwhelmed by the amount of information, reviews and discussion out there. I was wondering if you guys knew of any reliable forums with something like "build of the week" or a regularly updated website that recommends PC components? I'll be ordering all my stuff online (probably from NCIX) and I don't feel like taking a shot in the dark and ordering hardware based on the reviews there, but at the same time I have no interest in reading thousands of discussions on overclocking forums, so I'm kind of stuck right now.
  20. Rush - Grace Under Pressure
  21. Dunno, I like my headphones to disappear and leave me with the music. In the case of the AD2K, I felt I was listening to the headphones and they were acting as a high-pass filter cutting all the good bass!
  22. AD2000 are "love them/hate them" kind of phones. I owned them for some time and heard them in a few rigs and I disliked them every time. I posted some impressions here if you're interested. For a more lively presentation than what the HD650 offers, I would suggest either HD800, AKG K1000 or JH13. As some people mentioned, electrostatic is where it's at for full-size headphones, but that would require an amp change. Also, I'm not sure how anyone can find Rush boring musically. I can understand some people find them annoying, but boring?
  23. IQ - Frequency
  24. Weed is what the poor chaps use on Head-fi, here we roll on opium.
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