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  1. Wow have I ever told you that you are a bold man, Joachim? Impressive, again!
  2. What is it for? I have seen a similar but smaller stup a while ago, it was a local power backup for wired home telephone.
  3. March madness, redux. Was the original March madness in 2013?
  4. Yes, interested in learning your experience here
  5. jokerman777, could you remind me/us which PCB version/origin you use?
  6. Great adventure! I wish I had the time, skills, parts... well, the whole thing 😅
  7. Pretty nice Dremel skills, by the way 😂
  8. Sweet piece, for sure...
  9. Made the same mistake long ago, in this precise place. I had to add a small toroid because I ordered the wrong secondaries in my custom toroid. It's 30 VCT,or 2*15 V Just replace those 2 caps along with the V regs, and you're back on track
  10. Wow, what a cascade of horrors!
  11. Thanks for maintaining the house afloat!
  12. Reminds me good memories!
  13. Great job. Looking forward to the other mods!
  14. Beautiful! Listen to it, and post some more pics
  15. This one might give you guys a good laugh. I don't own a heat gun, so poor man's way... That being said, it gives a warm and smokey sound
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