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That is an impressive amount of force.
Open up the amp and see if the jumpers are set correctly. A guide to the jumper can be found here: http://www.head-fi.org/t/223263/the-stax-thread-new/23625#post_9627206
I am sure so called burn in effect is most likely the user getting more used to the headphones over a long period.I always have this theory about burn in in headphones that I want to try run through. So stop me if it is too silly or improbable. Assuming the manufacturer of a pair of headphones has not ran the driver for a substantial amount of time in the factory, burning in will be the first time the drivers are put under stress experience in normal operation for prolong period. Is it possible that some of the so called burn in effect is the material of the diaphragm adjusting itself according to its mounted tension and nominal load? For example it is probably not impossible for the diaphragm made up of polymer material to slight stretch under constant increased pressure from load. The slight deformation will probably alter the response of the headphones somewhat to a small degree, hence explaining the alteration in sound.
Thank you spritzer. Project for a Sunday afternoon.
Spritzer can you list the part numbers for the resistors you have changed and what you have changed them to? I am not very familiar to the KGSS circuit and have some difficulty following what you done.
Thank you gents, I think I know where I stand now. Do you know where can you get some new glue pads or would some double sided tapes do? Yeah, the mesh cover is facing away from the ear. The seller insist that it was the way it came all those years ago, if that is the case it is a rather interesting case of screwy QC work.... Don't really want to use glue, but I will have to see how it go. No, I did bid on that one as I don't mind a spare driver to replace a damage one that I have. But it went way over what I think is worth.... The manual that go with the set might be an interesting read though.
Hi all, I have just receive a pair of Lambda Signature from Ebay with a few problems. The first problem is more worrying, the driver is detached from the mounting board in the right element. The strain relief seem to be working fine, but the driver has somehow managed to detach itself and is rattling within the housing of the element. Does anyone have experience with a driver that has detached driver that is rattling within the housing of an element? Is it going damage the driver beyond repair? Or is it just a matter of pushing the driver back into the mounting hole and be careful from then on? In comparison the second problem is more minor but rather strange, the left element of the headphones is mount upside down in its housing. This is probably easily fixable and just involve opening it up mounting it the right way around. I would greatly appreciate any input from members here. Lambda Signature is one of my favorite headphones, so I won't mind another pair. But if it is too much trouble then I would rather return it.
Spritzer do you know what is causing the imbalance? Something inherent in the design?
3D printing? If you can draw up the model, some commerical place can print them for you. I saw jaycalgary creation and thought the housing can probably be printer if you got the exact dimension etc.
That might well be the case. I am just reporting what I heard, I could hear a difference between an early model (0003xx) and a mid production model (14xxx). So much so that I am not dismissing reports of of modification as "old wives tales".
I beg to differ on the HD800 issues. I have an early HD800 which I have compare to another mid production HD800 side by side, and I could hear the difference. I used a Violectric V200 which have two outputs, so to minimise the difference in volume. I also used a SPL Phonitor as well. While they generally sound very similar, I could pick out the differences between them. The mid production model to me was clearly has slightly more detail presentation, with the early production model being slightly more bass. Both of the headphones were completely stock and using stock cable (not that I believe in cable). The age, storage and earpad condition might have caused the difference, but I have heard sufficent differences that I am not willing to dismiss that there were no modification or revision during the life of the product. Spritzer I might be wrong, but don't you often open up same model of Stax amps to find they look quite difference in the inside? Or are they mostly the same circuit with different layout?
Then by this definition you should never buy Stax, I counted five versions of O2 with no clear offical definition between them (at least not between different version of MkI and MkII). I think the early and late SR-404 have different/modified drivers. Their amps are worse, with the same model having multiple different internal circuits. Don't buy Sennheiser either, with their white driver update issues with the HD650. HD800 apparently also have different sound signature between early, later and latest production run. In fact you probably shouldn't buy any electronics such as mobile phones, computers and game consoles. Manufacturers will almost certainly fix and improve their products as production run continue, with different revisions being sold as the same product. I am not defending Audeze or Hifiman, but there are certain reality in rolling out a product. You do the best you can and test the hell out of it to minimize mistake. Then you cross your finger and hope the remaining problem are sufficiently small such that the product don't have to be recalled. At the same time as new research/data/information come to light, or when parts and materials become unavailable, you would modify your design and improve your product. There are alway risks of being early adapter, both in price and quality of the product available. It is unreasonable for anyone to expect manufacturers to freeze the product so that the consumer can resell it at a higher price.
I have a similar experience with the seller, and I don't think he is very trustworthy.
Do you mean the PCB is wrong or the pot is mounted the wrong way?
Had a rather interesting phone conversation with the seller, he don't speak or understand much spoken English and I don't speak much Mandarin which make for an interesting combination..... He confirmed a few things: 1) The gain was intentionally set to a very high value, he said if you can lower your DAC gain by 20-30db that should be fine, then the volume control should work fine. I don't quite understand his explaination of why he did that. 2) As Kevin and spritzer said, the RCA and XLR cannot be connected together. 3) Apparently because of patent issue he can no longer install original Stax headphones jack in his amp. He thinks the replacement is just as good, if not better than the original one. He gave a detail explanation which I did not catch very well. After some pushing, he will send me some extra screws and fuses, so I guess that is a good outcome for me.