I am considering getting some kgsshv board sets made. To keep costs down, I would like to order in quantity and distribute the excess to the group at my cost. I can get the final version of the onboard mini power supply board in quantities of 25 for about $30 each. I would also like to get 50 of the latest amp board, preferably the one that allows dual transistors, made as well. Kevin, if you could provide the gerber files, I will get a quote on these as well. I anticipate the total cost for the 3 board set to be about $80 plus shipping. To keep the logistics as simple as possible on my end, I would like to limit individual shipments to the US. If someone outside of the US wants to get multiple sets and then redistribute locally, that would be great. Is there enough interest in the group to justify getting 25 board sets made? Please post here if you would be interested so I can decide whether to procede.