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About itsborken

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Sounds great. Merry Christmas Justin!
  2. Haven't tried a intel mini as my old power mini's fan kicks on and is a bit noisy when it kicks in. That alone kept me from considering an upgrade and I went with a remote ATV for casual music and listening to podcasts instead.
  3. Thats good to know; I hope he continues to push the envelope as his work is excellent. The 'six year too late' comment got me thinking that if the glite is short for the world the other two would be as well since they're deriviatives. The demand for them is still there, a tribute to his workmanship.
  4. Are there plans for replacement of the GLite/GS-1/GS-X SS line or is there no time for them due to portables and the electrostatic amps?
  5. Standard operating procedure for our govt, keep looking backwards rather than face the difficult issues confronting the country.
  6. Yeah I'd like to know that too. If the SACD eliminates the poor recording of the guitar intro and horns in Brown Sugar for instance I'd definitely pick them up. If its a minor improvement but still scratchy-annoying I'll probably pass. As a side note, the first time I picked up a copy of Sticky Fingers and played it I thought I somehow trashed my stylus.
  7. Yep that and fresh water.
  8. The dead wasn't just about the music. They were about concerts, sense of community, psychedelics, the road trips to get to a concert, etc. I can see it being difficult to pick up after the fact though; they had so many songs in their playlists and never had huge singles.
  9. They are great albums but I could never figure out why they were recorded so badly. Have to be honest that I don't listen to them as much as they deserve just because the flaws bother me too much.
  10. rant Unfortunately neither college or experience really measure troubleshooting capabilities. In fairness, there was probably half of my CS 'boomer' class populations that were totally lost in the subjects and just marking time towards graduation. I took a jr level compiler design course where we broke into three man teams. I got teamed up with two post-grads and thought it would be a cake walk. Nope, they were clueless too and so I had to do their pieces of the project as well as mine. They weren't even TAs so they didn't have the excuse that they were too busy with the other teaching. All this happened way before the dot com boom when IT wages were relatively low compared to other disciplines due to lower demand. Yep, the boomers broke it as we got greedy and lazy. Lay off people for short term results. We tell our kids don't dedicate yourself to one company as you'll just get shafted in the end. Style is valued over substance most of the time. Small wonder we are in this situation. Sometimes I think its going to take a real problem like the dust bowl, depressions, the great wars, etc. to snap the population out of the collective mindset. /rant
  11. Pico Yay!
  12. I'm in retail (Unix primarily, just starting to get into Teradata) so there's no lives hanging in the balance. Your environment sounds like a pretty interesting place to be working. I know where you are coming from on the family front but it never quite got to that extreme. Happy to hear everything is working out for you.
  13. We have an eight week oncall cycle and the systems are pretty stable so its not that bad. We follow the sun and have bodies so it all looks good on paper to mgmt. When the chips are down the biz (and people you respect) have to be helped so I'm just a sucker at heart. Spent too much time as a Boy Scout and even longer being the sole admin for small companies
  14. I like the sys admins who think it's a 9-5 M-F job when the business runs 24x7. Their idea of being on call is to tell the biz they can't figure it out and they will look at it in the morning (really pass it off to the senior admins). Try to 'teach them to fish' and same thing happens next time. repeat. repeat. sigh.
  15. hehe TMI Seriously, I can understand why someone would search and then ask for advice after a thread has been silent for months. What was once heartily recommended might have been surpassed as time passes. Somebody reviewing threads might assume I'd recommend a Move today (based on SQ only). Nope. I was secretly hoping HF would lose those threads in the crash but my naivety is recorded for posterity Ideally a few well researched PMs would be the way to go, otherwise, append to the existing thread.
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