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  1. So that makes at least 4 of us still waiting. At this point, I consider to take unfinished stuff from Tran. It is better than losing the whole sum.
  2. So will a 100pF 1KV cap across the + & - output do it? Is 1M high enough? With a balanced attenuator like this (but with high impedance)?
  3. I have access to an Audio Precision analyzer, but I have never measure an amp for electrostatic device. Do I need a dummy load?
  4. Who else on Lil Knight's chassis group buy, but haven't received it yet? I have tried, but didn't get any response from him.
  5. hi luvdunhill, thank you for the suggestion. which cap I need to remove? if you mean C12 or C13, then yes, I knew I populated both of them. I was stuffing the board late at night, and didn't realize I put both of them on until I soldered them down. I should remove them before I forget about it. Thanks anyway!
  6. Thank you guys for the encouragement. I left my SD card at home, but I have a few inside shot of the amp. I used good quality components: Alps RK50 pot, Takman REY resistors, Solen FEP Teflon caps in the signal path, WIMA bypass caps, Nichicon Audio caps, Teflon tube sockets. I made PCBs for the 300V power supply and front-end DC heater. Transformers are from Sumr. Chassis are ordered from eBay.
  7. Indeed I'm ready. T2 boards are fully stuffed. I'm waiting for the chassis from Tran.
  8. Thanks! It is my very first tube amp. Thank you, Kevin and the team, to share your work. You guys made the world better! I also have the KGSSHV 500V. I prefer the Megatron, especially with SR-009. Now only if I can locate Tran, then I can finish my T2 build.
  9. A few pics of my Megatron...
  10. Thanks. About a month ago, he told me parts were sent to be anodized, and should be ready in 7-10 days.
  11. Did anyone talk to Lil Knight lately? I'm in his T2 chassis groupbuy, but have not heard from him for a while. He hasn't responded to my email either.
  12. Guess not. It will be nice to get an update from Tran.
  13. I'm using the Antek 400VA 430V transform in my KGSSHV build. It is temporary until SumR finished my transformer. In this particular application, the transformer is always quiet and cool. I didn't use the filament windings. This weekend, I will bring up my Megatron build with this transformer (again, waiting for SumR for the proper one). I'll let you know how it goes.
  14. To the fellow green tea drinker. Nice! It will be even better if you add a sign of "Danger, High Voltage" I hope to power up the my Megatron this coming weekend. Need to finish up the power supply board first.
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