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High Rollers
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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. Happy Birthday, Doug! :prettyprincess: I hope that the fermentation and distillation life is agreeing with you.
  2. Happy Birthday, Doug! :prettyprincess: Oh, to be so young again.
  3. "Too shilly; didn't read" would also seem to apply.
  4. Anurag, have you talked with your credit card company to dispute the charge? Credit card companies don't like not getting paid and typically support the buyer. They know on a dispute if they can't get the money from the buyer, then they definitely can get it back from the seller.
  5. Belated Happy Birthday, Al! :prettyprincess: What Vicki said. Hope dinner was wonderful.
  6. Happy Birthday, Ryan. :prettyprincess: Hope it was a great one!
  7. Wall warts need a lot of room.
  8. PnDSHA-1 P stands for prototype n is which prototype it is by number. So if yours is the second prototype, it's P2DSHA-1. How's that?
  9. I'm feeling good. My surgeon removed all limitations last Friday. My shoulder is a bit stiff and sore, but it's improving rapidly. I'm scheduled to get some physical therapy. My pelvis breaks have all healed well too. I feel good enough to do a street ride. I'm not quite up to a dirt ride yet. I should see if Dianese or anybody else makes such a thing for motorcycling. I'd get one.
  10. Large scars are manly and enhance one's character. Here's mine after 2 months: Justin, glad to hear that you didn't set off the metal detector. Less metal was put into me, so hopefully I won't set them off either.
  11. Hasn't this been tried before? I guess that they feel they'd have a better chance having Kentucky, West Virginia and Maryland on their side this time.
  12. Happy Birthday, Nate. :prettyprincess: Enjoy the new beer.
  13. Instead of buying insurance, just put $30 a month into a cookie jar. Then, when you break, lose or get tired of the Beats, you'll be able to afford a nice sounding pair of headphones instead of bad sounding but "cool" headphones. Even better, you won't be different like everybody else is being different.
  14. Happy Birthday, Naaman. :prettyprincess: Hope it's been a great one!
  15. You mean like a campaign ad?
  16. Happy Birthday, Dan :prettyprincess: Have a great one!
  17. Happy Birthday! :prettyprincess:
  18. Happy Birthday, Al :prettyprincess: Hope it was a great one!
  19. Happy Birthday, Colin :prettyprincess: Enjoy the day.
  20. This is more of a general whisk(e)y question than a scotch question. I have a 6-bottle wine holder. As it should for wine, the bottles are stored such that their tops (the cork end) are lower than the rest of the bottle. Is there a problem with keeping bottles of whisky? Or is it really important to store whisky bottles up right?
  21. Happy Birthday, Dr. Wood :prettyprincess: I hope that your California dreams are coming true.
  22. I think that Headphones will replace speaker-based Hi-Fi, not save it. I recently received a copy of Audio Advisor. The cover and first 14 pages are dedicated to headphones and headphone products. Not very long ago, the only mention of headphones in AA was a couple of Grados and Sennheisers for sale.
  23. Happy Birthday, Ed! :prettyprincess: Have a great one and keep the smoke out of your eyes.
  24. Happy birthday :prettyprincess: Have a great one!
  25. It's just a little pat of butter. (With apologies to Monty Python)
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