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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. In, though I must admit that the Crowdwise experience leaves a lot to be desired.
  2. Spent 5 hours swapping the fan in my laptop. I could do it a lot quicker today.
  3. Deleting HC cookies did it. Thanks.
  4. Sorry for the worry, Andrew. Maybe you can arrange a week or so in Capetown. If not, maybe a SAD light would help things a bit.
  5. Happy Birthday, Todd. :prettyprincess: Hope your having a great one! Ah, to be 50 again.
  6. Congrats to Peter and his parents! Great tree, John!
  7. Is that a feature or a bug?
  8. Happy Birthday, Tom. :prettyprincess: Hope it's a great one for you!
  9. Yesterday, I finally decided to get Tapatalk working on my phone. To do that, I needed a new password as I hadn't had to use mine for so long that I had forgotten it. I logged out, used "forget my password" and logged back in (on my PC). I also logged in on my phone using Tapatalk. Now If I'm idle for a short period of time on the PC, where I do most of my HC browsing, it logs me off. This is a royal PITA. Can anybody tell me what I did that I get logged off and how to revert back to "remember me" state on the PC? I do have the "Remember Me" box checked when I log in and it doesn't seem to help. Thanks.
  10. Sorry to hear that retirement is further away than you'd like. Hopefully the years will pass quickly, at least at work.
  11. Are you going to open it up to see what wall-wart they used?
  12. In Brent's case, there's likely to be begging.
  13. I think creating a new thread (topic) for it would be better than PM, but it's up to you.
  14. Happy Birthday, Gene! :prettyprincess: Have a great one. Hope our paths cross again soon.
  15. Happy Birthday! :prettyprincess: I bet that you thought that you'd sneak it by us.
  16. Actually, I was thinking that Wayne would be upfront about it and explain why he was asking for a deposit. Better to do that to the few clients that have shown it's necessary than to explain to all clients why he now asks for a deposit due to the actions of a few.
  17. Wayne, you might want to have a cancellation policy for clients that have previously cancelled. If you have loyal, long time clients who have never cancelled, you might not want to risk irritating them due to the sins of others.
  18. Agreed, it's very nice.
  19. Still interested in a fully suspended bike. I talked to my future nephew (engaged to my niece) yesterday. He can get me a new 2014 Trek Fuel EX 5 29 for about $1050 out the door. I can think of lots of reasons to do this and only one reason not to, and that it is about twice what I wanted to spend. That won't be enough to stop me. Are there any other reasons why I shouldn't buy this bike?
  20. Hope you and your daughter feel better soon, Haj.
  21. I'm off to Thousand Oaks (60 mi) for my family Thanksgiving. It should be a good time. Happy Thanksgiving to all of HC.
  22. It looks like the snow saved you some arborist money. Sorry for the extra work now though.
  23. Happy Birthday, Bryan. :prettyprincess: Have a great one!
  24. Good luck with the change. Hope the move goes as painlessly as possible.
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