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High Rollers
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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. Sorry Carl and Bonnie. My deepest condolences to you both.
  2. ... of Champions.
  3. She's a cutie!
  4. Happy Entrance Day, Marc! Have a wonderful day.
  5. Happy Entrance Day, Peter! Have a wonderful, cat-filled day.
  6. Happy Birthday, Peter! Have a wonderful day.
  7. Happy Birthday, Iain! Have a heavy (metal) day.
  8. Happy Birthday, Carl! Have a wonderful day.
  9. Happy Birthday, Vicki!
  10. Sad that you can't get a visa Ozgur. That it's due to a policy that will accomplish little or nothing makes me more sad.
  11. Good luck with the fires and ash. You definitely want to keep your windows closed and wash the ash off of cars. I attended a 2-day "Bridge with Mike Lawrence" workshop over the weekend.
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. RIP Tom Petty.
  14. RIP Monty Hall. I wonder if St. Peter gave him the choice to take what's behind door #1, door #2 or door #3.
  15. RIP Mr. Hefner
  16. Happy Birthday, Wayne.
  17. Happy Birthday, Steve. Have a rockin' day!
  18. Happy Birthday, Jim. Have a wonderful year!
  19. RIP Harry Dean Stanton and, especially, Stanislav Petrov.
  20. Happy Birthday, Andrew. Have a wonderful day!
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Thanks for the info, Al. Best wishes to the Florida crew. Stay safe.
  23. and twice- over thrice- cooked ribs.
  24. You're a good human, Steve!
  25. Maybe Greg meant that the downside was for her?
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