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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. ¡Feliz cumpleaños, Antonio! Have a wonderful day.
  3. Nate's an animal!
  4. He certainly respects them and is fascinated by them. He'd like to be friends with the 3 smaller birds, but they'll have none of it. He wisely gives the Macaw a wide berth.
  5. I'm 8 years into my second black cat, who I adopted when he was 1. Both were/are great. I highly recommend them.
  6. Pretty kitty.
  7. Happy Birthday, Birgir!
  8. Happy Birthday, Jose!
  9. Happy Birthday, Kerry! Hope it's been a great day.
  10. This is a hard one. It doesn't matter which team one rooted for, everyone was a fan of Willie Mays. RIP.
  11. I've been watching/listening to Tuba Skinny youtube videos on my TV.
  12. Happy Birthday, Brent!
  13. Happy Birthday, Rob!
  14. My "Dream System" would be to have my hearing restored to what is was when I was 35. 🤫
  15. I agree. The downfall of News came when networks, etc. decided that their News Department needed to be a profit center.
  16. I think a large factor in this is that most people over 54 remember the space race and followed all the moon missions on TV. The middle age group were told about them mostly by their parents. The youngest age group were mostly told about it from their grandparents. The moon missions are the acme of human space exploration. Looking at went on with space exploration in the last 30 years or so, I can understand why the young might not believe in a manned mission to the moon.
  17. Happy Birthday, Chris! Have a wonderful day.
  18. Happy Birthday, Shelley! Hope it's wonderful.
  19. R.I.P Bernard Hill. Rest well, King Theoden.
  20. Happy Birthday, Ryan!
  21. Happy Birthday, Jeffy! Have a wonderful day.
  22. ^This. Good luck Xavier.
  23. The best kind of parties.
  24. Happy Birthday, Duggeh! I hope that life is treating you well.
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