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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. Thanks. I'll concur with you too. When we were in Mazatl
  2. I'm content doing Head Case.
  3. No flip-flopping in the 21st century.
  4. How nice, an instant daisy maker. It does a great job.
  5. Hard to beat these recommendations. Of these, I prefer Don Julio A
  6. Thanks everybody. It's been a pretty good day. Now I just have to "package" gifts for tomorrow.
  7. He had a case of acute pancreatitis when he was 5. Since then, he's been on W/D Prescription diet. I'll ask the vet about that too.
  8. My favorite guitar tones come from Mark Knopfler and Junior Brown.
  9. Thanks. I hope so too. Sorry to hear about your son's wisdom teeth. Cinder is 12 years old. I plan on asking my vet about radioiodine, but she was hammered today (closing early). I just wanted to start some kind of medication so he improves. I'll talk to her more after the holidays.
  10. guzziguy

    slow forum

  11. I'm running 3.0.5 and have had no cookie issues (at least that I know of ).
  12. Tests and meds from our vet. One of our cats has developed hyperthyroidism. Started the meds today. Hopefully he'll improve quickly.
  13. Taking Jack's name in vain isn't a good way to get forgiveness.
  14. That's pretty short. I think that he is going to really love this tt.
  15. All right. The pool for how long Mike keeps it starts now. I'll take 7 months, 3 days.
  16. Use SneakerNet. Burn a CD and mail it to him.
  17. guzziguy


    Buying yourself a 2009 or 2010 Xmas gift?
  18. This is a great idea for a separate thread. I'll add my sin here. A mod can decide whether to split this out or not. I only committed one audio sin in 2008. I bought a Bendix 6385 tube for my Extreme. It's a great tube but it cost $200. If I had it over, I wouldn't have audio sinned this year.
  19. :prettyprincess:
  20. Are you going to be a booth babe for Barely Legal?
  21. Peter is easy. He likes slow tone poems on period instruments.
  22. Stacy and I bought these a couple of Saturdays ago after a nice wine tasting. I finally got around to taking pictures today. Semi-retired life is hell. Last and certainly least, but how could we resist? Buying a sixth bottle got us 10% off the total, which was more than this bottle cost.
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