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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. It was the fault of those damn liberal Republicans. Back to the OP, I swapped out the old, rotted garbage disposal splash guard for a nice new one.
  2. Vicki, I have no idea what they are paying you but I can't believe it's near enough.
  3. Heretic! Time to gather some wood and oil.
  4. You must have missed the JH13 Pros.
  5. The 10 CDs and 1 SACD that I ordered arrived yesterday. All of them were cutouts. While it doesn't matter to me, I was wondering if anybody got a non-cutout from this sale?
  6. Happy Birthday Aaron! :prettyprincess:
  7. I've started a search for a reasonable recliner. Yours looks great. Could you please tell us which brand and model it is? Also, could you let us know where you bought it?
  8. Grilled ham, fresh roasted (on the grill with olive oil and Rebel Yell) brussel sprouts and steamed fresh white corn, slathered with olive oil.
  9. Already? Can you ban a moderator? Edit: Actually, it doesn't matter. Todd owes you a favor.
  10. I'm guessing that this is a joke, albeit a very risky one.
  11. It took me a minute to figure it out. I'd never heard "Cha-cha" used to mean cat in French. I've heard "Minou-minou", but not "Cha-cha". Then it hit me. It's not German, it's Austrian. At least in this case.
  12. Apple subcontracted ALO for this and got a great deal.
  13. We have a Sun Conure whose official name is Sunny. However, we just call him "Bird-bird" now. Also, "Cha-cha" in English is pronounced with a hard "ch" sound, so it sounds a lot different than "Chat-chat" (soft ch) does. What? You're not going to even consider "Adolf"?
  14. Then I'll definitely need to mold with my mouth open if I ever get custom IEMs.
  15. I think this would be appropriate:
  16. Guitar great Les Paul is dead at 94. Huge loss. RIP Les.
  17. I doubt he is trying to get rich on it. Tapes are $300/album, so by definition the market will be small.
  18. The adjustment mechanism is such that the proportion of the width of your head to the distance between your ears and the top of your head is a constant. So if you fit the magic proportion, the headphones will fit. For me, I'd have to put a sponge or pad as there was about 1/4" - 1/2" gap between my head and the band when I held the cups where they belong over my ears.
  19. Thanks for your concern. I'm almost completely OK. I finally got back into shape enough to be able to do push ups again. But there is pain in the shoulder. I'll get the MRI that you suggest.
  20. Hey Antonio. The notes I read were part of the tape from The Tape Project. This is another Dan Schmalle (Doc Bottlehead) enterprise. I just assumed that the CD had the same thing in miniature format. BTW, Bottlehead's rebuilt and modified Nagra tape player was by far the best source at the meet. I asked Dan how much it was worth. He really didn't know but guessed at $15K.
  21. I talked to Sankar at the meet. The automatic adjustment method that is currently being used doesn't work on my head. He responded that a lot of people were having that problem and that they were going to make there own frame for the next release. Caveat: My memory isn't very good anymore. This is what I remember but could easily be incorrect.
  22. I agree with that. While a couple of my ribs and right shoulder blade are still still a little tender, by far the largest pain I have from my Feb crash is soft tissue damage in my left shoulder. I'd been trying to figure it out as I hit the ground on my right side. Recently I think I've figured it out. By moving my arm around to see what positions caused the most pain, I figure that my arm must have been slung up and behind my head when I hit. Hopefully this will eventually heal. I'm definitely at the age where I don't heal as well or as quickly as I did when I was young.
  23. Good news Al. A fractured fibula is nothing compared to torn ligaments. Hopefully that's the correct diagnosis. I'm surprised that he didn't notice a broken fibula on the x-ray. It looks great. I need to make one. Are those neoprene washers I see on the top shelf? If so, can you please tell me where you got them?
  24. With PK2s out of my laptop, I could hear sound at 1, 5 and 10 HZ. However, it wasn't until 15 Hz that it sounded like a bass tone. I heard nothing at those frequencies with the laptop speakers, hardly a surprise.
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