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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. No, the ear canals are totally external. The eardrum separates the outside from the middle ear. The middle ear is connected to the outside via the Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the throat. This is necessary to keep air pressure equal between the outer and middle ears. Here is a diagram:
  2. This isn't a great forum on which to be lazy. Lazy people tend to attract this kind of attention: No matter what advice you get in this thread, you'll still have to do the work to decide for yourself what works best. So do the work once you get them. That being said, I agree with Nate that they sound wonderful being driven by a B22. However, for me they also sound good being driven by my SP Platinum Extreme with 6as7g output tubes. So a "high power" OTL tube amp also works.
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Which way is backwards? In or out?
  5. Happy Birthday Laine! :prettyprincess: I'll listen to some Gabby Pahinui today in your honor (and because I like him ).
  6. guzziguy

    Perfect songs.

    Don McLean - American Pie. Too bad he was a two hit wonder.
  7. Happy Birthday Ian! :prettyprincess:
  8. Why don't you attend? Then you won't have to read about it.
  9. Yay! Guess who is calling in sick this week?
  10. Brother Jack McDuff - The Best of the Concord Years
  11. Sorry to hear about Claire's accident Al. I'm greatly relieved to hear that she wasn't hurt. Please pass on our best wished to her (and to you) in the form of a strong drink.
  12. It was the fault of those damn liberal Republicans. Back to the OP, I swapped out the old, rotted garbage disposal splash guard for a nice new one.
  13. Vicki, I have no idea what they are paying you but I can't believe it's near enough.
  14. Heretic! Time to gather some wood and oil.
  15. You must have missed the JH13 Pros.
  16. The 10 CDs and 1 SACD that I ordered arrived yesterday. All of them were cutouts. While it doesn't matter to me, I was wondering if anybody got a non-cutout from this sale?
  17. Happy Birthday Aaron! :prettyprincess:
  18. I've started a search for a reasonable recliner. Yours looks great. Could you please tell us which brand and model it is? Also, could you let us know where you bought it?
  19. Grilled ham, fresh roasted (on the grill with olive oil and Rebel Yell) brussel sprouts and steamed fresh white corn, slathered with olive oil.
  20. Already? Can you ban a moderator? Edit: Actually, it doesn't matter. Todd owes you a favor.
  21. I'm guessing that this is a joke, albeit a very risky one.
  22. It took me a minute to figure it out. I'd never heard "Cha-cha" used to mean cat in French. I've heard "Minou-minou", but not "Cha-cha". Then it hit me. It's not German, it's Austrian. At least in this case.
  23. Apple subcontracted ALO for this and got a great deal.
  24. We have a Sun Conure whose official name is Sunny. However, we just call him "Bird-bird" now. Also, "Cha-cha" in English is pronounced with a hard "ch" sound, so it sounds a lot different than "Chat-chat" (soft ch) does. What? You're not going to even consider "Adolf"?
  25. Then I'll definitely need to mold with my mouth open if I ever get custom IEMs.
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