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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. Vax is OK as long as it's running a "recent" BSD release.
  2. Happy Birthday. :prettyprincess:
  3. Happy Birthday Vicki! :prettyprincess: Have a great one including lots of sleep.
  4. How much do we have to pay up front?
  5. There was a link at the bottom of this page: AudiogoN ForSale: Parasound Halo P3. Now that listing for the power chord has expired.
  6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  7. Sorry to hear this Nate. As people have said, this really sucks. Hopefully it is something easily fixed.
  8. Then the chances of it actually working would be about 50-50.
  9. Can we just simplify the question by deleting the last six words in your question?
  10. At least it wasn't a table or band saw. Here's hoping you recover quickly.
  11. Happy Birthday, Al! :prettyprincess:
  12. Congratulations Mike!
  13. And you call yourself a Republican. Tsk.
  14. Ready for another kid, eh?
  15. Here's how to sell classical music:
  16. guzziguy


    That's why we've been running a large deficit for so long. We bought Switzerland.
  17. Ah, but would it be as good as a jamato/vcoheda balanced fan?
  18. There are definitely some melting minds here. I think you mean "mind meld".
  19. You mean that JHA can't do a miniature Kosta Browne label?
  20. My HP laptop has a button so it's easy to disable/enable the touchpad.
  21. Don't forget the giant Hollywood fan each owner will need to blow air over the heatsinks.
  22. I recently bought similar stands for my HT system. They wobble a bit. That's not important to me for HT but would be more of a problem for a music system. I recommend a cheap metal stand that you can fill with lead shot. I have those for my speaker system and they are very solid. Of course, each one is filled with 25 lbs of lead shot. BTW, if you decide to fill with sand, be sure that it is clean sand (i.e. no beach sand, etc.) or you will have new and, uh, interesting odors in your house.
  23. Fahrenheit or Celsius?
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