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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. Did you use aggies or puries? I've heard that aggies have better sound.
  2. Happy Birthday! :prettyprincess:
  3. Definitely look for the brands that use milspec foam. Then your sleeping experience will be turbo charged too.
  4. Sad, but predictable. I'm a big believer in Murphy's Law.
  5. I'm waiting for CostCo to get La-Z-Boys back in. Then that will have to suffice.
  6. Amperex pinched waist 7062 are considered to be the best tubes for this. I bought my eXemplar 2900 from jp#'s and he also recommended Phillips 7062 tubes. I've only listened to the former and they work well for me.
  7. Happy Birthday! :prettyprincess:
  8. Glad to hear that Doug. There definitely will be a NorCal/Mayberry meet before CanJam. If they are separate, I suggest attending Mayberry. It's as special as DanJam was. Shit, I wish I were there in Florida. Have fun kids. At least my job definitely ends Wednesday morning when the product has to be delivered to the customer. Yay!
  9. Yet I understand.
  10. The video was good, but he should have used a bigger hammer!
  11. Don't forget to put a tap in the master bath.
  12. Gene and Al don't sleep either. See!
  13. guzziguy


    I mainly use Shun knives. You have to pay a lot more for the next step up. I pointed out the deal to my wife, who bought them for her father's birthday. In June!
  14. Condolences Mike.
  15. Pure Reason Revolution - The Dark Third My Christmas gift from Jin. I like it. Thanks Jin.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1vwdaYRCiQ
  17. I didn't know you could get 50 watts out of a Cmoy.
  18. Zoltan Rorschach. He's in charge of interpreting the impressions.
  19. My first "audiophile" tt was a Kenwood KD-500. That was back in the late 70's and early 80's. I loved that tt. Of course, the KD-500 is a manual. Unfortunately, I left it with a former girlfriend when I went to France and it was stolen when her apartment was burglarized. I hope that you enjoy your KD-650.
  20. The major source for 1080p is Blu-ray. Most people here will get and use a Blu-ray player with Blu-ray sources. So it makes sense to seriously consider a TV that supports 1080p.
  21. What if it's made from milspec wire with magical energy? Surely that makes a difference?
  22. and into the wilderness.
  23. Thanks. I've already picked up some mini-alligator clips. I'll get some mini-clips like these too. Unfortunately, the nearest Fry's is 33 miles away. The local electronics shop will have them. I'll check there and see if they are too over priced. I checked there for a breadboard, but the only one they had was $30. Oh yeah, forgot I also bought two of these for expendable use:
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