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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. No problem. I was pretty sure you didn't see it. Obviously the seller is trying to make an extra $30 on the sale. How does this kit look to you? It doesn't have meters, but it looks pretty useful for only slightly more than my $50 limit.
  2. Thanks for the pointer. Unfortunately the real drawback with that auction is the $49 shipping cost.
  3. I'm looking to get an inexpensive bench power supply, hopefully for less than $50. Can anybody recommend one. If not, please recommend the least expensive ps that will do the job. Thanks.
  4. I hope that we are going to see some examples of your 'problem' at CanJam.
  5. Yes, though in SB, summer is probably the worst season. I am lucky to live in one of the best climates in the world.
  6. Both are nice. Thanks! Sorry to hear about it Andrew. Hopefully they'll get well soon without passing it on to you.
  7. That's because you've never been to a Helen Reddy concert.
  8. You still have to fight through lame Bay Area drivers and, unfortunately, there are plenty of those. We had 1.5" of rain on Monday. Tomorrow a big storm is coming through. It's forecast to snow in the mountains just behind us. We may actually get our first freeze of the winter in Santa Barbara.
  9. Finished and delivered my last Unit Test Plan. I'm done. Yay! Open the wine!
  10. Tank Overhaul. The episode where they cut two damaged Shermans in half and then weld the good halves together to make one good Sherman.
  11. Did you use aggies or puries? I've heard that aggies have better sound.
  12. Happy Birthday! :prettyprincess:
  13. Definitely look for the brands that use milspec foam. Then your sleeping experience will be turbo charged too.
  14. Sad, but predictable. I'm a big believer in Murphy's Law.
  15. I'm waiting for CostCo to get La-Z-Boys back in. Then that will have to suffice.
  16. Amperex pinched waist 7062 are considered to be the best tubes for this. I bought my eXemplar 2900 from jp#'s and he also recommended Phillips 7062 tubes. I've only listened to the former and they work well for me.
  17. Happy Birthday! :prettyprincess:
  18. Glad to hear that Doug. There definitely will be a NorCal/Mayberry meet before CanJam. If they are separate, I suggest attending Mayberry. It's as special as DanJam was. Shit, I wish I were there in Florida. Have fun kids. At least my job definitely ends Wednesday morning when the product has to be delivered to the customer. Yay!
  19. Yet I understand.
  20. The video was good, but he should have used a bigger hammer!
  21. Don't forget to put a tap in the master bath.
  22. Gene and Al don't sleep either. See!
  23. guzziguy


    I mainly use Shun knives. You have to pay a lot more for the next step up. I pointed out the deal to my wife, who bought them for her father's birthday. In June!
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