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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. I hear that there is a nice Pass Pearl available.
  2. I really like this particular Schubert recording.
  3. Sorry to hear about the weather issues there, Nate. We are on the second day of a forecasted 6 days of rain. So far the forecast has been accurate. Unfortunately, the storms will also move east and hit the rest of the country. I hope that you had a great time at your sister's in Nashville. I'm sure that she was pleasantly surprised by your attendance.
  4. guzziguy

    slow forum

    I didn't watch the video as it was obviously not something I wanted to see. But if she is now starting to exercise (instead of just making a gross youtube video), it's a big step in the right direction for her and she deserves encouragement.
  5. Congratulations on getting your KGSS Budi. I hope its sound is what you're looking for. As far as editing goes on HC, one has 15 (I think) minutes after saving the original post to edit it. After that, whatever was written is there for posterity.
  6. Happy Birthday, Grahame. :prettyprincess: Rule Britannia!
  7. guzziguy

    Canjam 2010.

  8. Besides the fact that you can't plug it into a Blue Hawaii.
  9. I agree. For us Muricans, replacing "level" with "league" would make it clear.
  10. Happy Birthday! :prettyprincess: Mmm, treats.
  11. guzziguy

    Canjam 2010.

    I missed the trip to Roscoe's. I'd like to get in on this one.
  12. What's the problem Wayne? Don't you owe your firstborn to somebody?
  13. We have three and one was a late comer to the party. So occasionally there is literally a pissing contest. It helps a lot to be sure to clean all the old spots and, sure enough, I found some with the UV light. To anybody needing a UV light for this purpose, I can heartily recommend this light. Pee spots show right up. I had a cheap, pencil-type UV light and you had to be right on top of the stain to find it. This one makes it really easy.
  14. guzziguy

    Canjam 2010.

    Who cares about the daytime activities? When are the nighttime activities?
  15. When I bought our HT setup last spring, it was for watching movies and I wanted the surround experience. So I got a smallish 5.1 HTIB (HT in a box). To ease the wiring issue, I got a "wireless" connection to the rear speakers, which was an additional option. Wireless here means that a signal is sent wirelessly to a small amplifier to which the two rear speakers connect via normal speaker wire. The setup is a big improvement over TV speakers and gives fairly good sound (for a $700 system) for movies. A setup like this is non-obtrusive and may work for you aesthetically while still giving you surround sound. So you might want to look into this. Disclaimer: I've never listened to a sound bar and am just assuming that it doesn't really do surround. An earlier post alluded to that too.
  16. Just finished this: Michael B. Oren - Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East It's a very even-handed analysis of the events leading up to the war, the actions of both sides during the war and the modern implications from the war.
  17. Yes. I'll be on the hunt for hidden, criminal cat pee stains.
  18. Handheld Portable 12 Uv LED 380nm Black Light with Holster Black light
  19. guzziguy

    Canjam 2010.

    Is it too late to negotiate round-trip tickets to all CanJams into the contract? Otherwise, ^^ x3
  20. A polished turd is still a turd, it's just shiny.
  21. Happy Birthday Luis. :prettyprincess: Have a great one!
  22. Interesting. I've only had problems with one disk, and it sounds the same out of my iPod as it does when played in multiple CD players. Guess I've been lucky.
  23. I'd say that the answer is a definite "yes".
  24. To get maximum ripping accuracy with iTunes, go to edit>preferences>import settings (general) and click the "Use error correction when reading Audio CDs" check box.
  25. Here's your perfect car. Too bad it will probably never appear in the US.
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