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High Rollers
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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. guzziguy

    slow forum

  2. When do you send them to Larry to be "Darthed"?
  3. Before you bought the Romex, I hope that you asked ipodpj which Romex is the best sounding.
  4. I suggest that you email or call Craig @ [email protected] or 818-224-3782.
  5. I'll bet that you were the best player on the Barbados hockey team!
  6. Happy Birthday :prettyprincess:
  7. Durufl
  8. I'm just repeating what I heard. Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea usually have snow this time of the year. There is a small ski resort on Mauna Kea. Edit: Posted first and read the Yahoo article afterwards. I see it talks about Mauna Kea.
  9. Happy Birthday Stephen! :prettyprincess: Have a great one.
  10. Somebody told me that yesterday was the first day in recorded US weather history that snow was on the ground in all 50 states.
  11. The large snowfall amount has led to some opportunities.
  12. Happy Birthday Jeff! :prettyprincess: Have a great one.
  13. The NOS Bendix 6385 tube I bought appears to be brand new too. Unfortunately it tests "Bad".
  14. i haven't had a chance to listen much recently. After Kevin repaired mine, it certainly sounds no worse and probably sounds better. I can't compare them side by side and I don't trust my music memory. I didn't have noise so no obvious (without opening the case) problems were fixed. However, I'm much happier because I know it is now safe and as close to spec as can be made.
  15. Happy Belated Birthday! :prettyprincess:
  16. Just be sure to use the new form.
  17. Congrats on the new job. Good luck, Tom. My condolences to you and your family.
  18. Sorry for your loss, KD.
  19. Everybody knows that size doesn't matter. It's the motion that's important.
  20. Lots of good suggestions. I haven't read much recently. I really like Robert Heinlein and Philip Jose Farmer. If you like Sword & Sorcery I'd recommend the Fafhrd and Gray Mouser series by Fritz Leiber. Oh yeah, Jack Vance wrote some interesting stories too.
  21. guzziguy

    slow forum

    Here are some neat classic cars.
  22. Hide the pigs!
  23. Would you adopt me, Al? Please?
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