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High Rollers
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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. Happy Belated Birthday! :prettyprincess:
  2. Just be sure to use the new form.
  3. Congrats on the new job. Good luck, Tom. My condolences to you and your family.
  4. Sorry for your loss, KD.
  5. Everybody knows that size doesn't matter. It's the motion that's important.
  6. Lots of good suggestions. I haven't read much recently. I really like Robert Heinlein and Philip Jose Farmer. If you like Sword & Sorcery I'd recommend the Fafhrd and Gray Mouser series by Fritz Leiber. Oh yeah, Jack Vance wrote some interesting stories too.
  7. guzziguy

    slow forum

    Here are some neat classic cars.
  8. Hide the pigs!
  9. Would you adopt me, Al? Please?
  10. Are you suggesting that Al is the Seamus Finnigan of Head Case? Warning: There are Harry Potter spoilers in the link.
  11. Being paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
  12. Breathlessly waited for impressions and pics from the DFW Texas 1/23/10 meet. All I got was a teaser post.
  13. Happy Birthday Dom. :prettyprincess: Have a great one!
  14. Happy Birthday! :prettyprincess: Younger than me too.
  15. x2. That was great!
  16. Today is the fourth, and worst day of six consecutive days of rain. Today a thunder storm cell came right over our house. We suddenly had huge winds and a huge deluge of water. Then it started hailing. I don't remember every seeing hail before here in Santa Barbara. Anyway, I'm staying in today to keep a watch over the house. So far there are no leaks. I've had to clear the French drains a couple of times. I can't wait for Saturday but we sure need the rain.
  17. Clerambault - Premier Livre D'Orgue My dad left a couple of boxes of CDs. They mostly were LaserLight stuff, but this is one of several worth keeping. My dad loved organ music. This one's for you dad.
  18. Was listening to: Opera's Greatest Moments by Royal Philharmonic Orchestra I haven't listened to this in years and forgot how good it is. I ripped it after playing in on my speaker system. Now listening to "Horowitz the Poet" (Deutsche Grammophon).
  19. We have a chance to see Brad Mehldau this Friday. I know nothing about him. IYO, is he worth a couple of concert tickets?
  20. guzziguy

    slow forum

    What band does he sing, er crow for?
  21. guzziguy

    Canjam 2010.

    I just booked a king room from Thursday night (6/3) through Monday morning (6/7) using the link from the HF CanJam thread. I had no problems but there wasn't an option for a double room.
  22. I've been waiting for "Law and Order: SUV", where LA cops roam the freeways search for cell phone using SUV drivers burning up the Earth's precious resources.
  23. If you like this, I highly recommend that you buy the Eastwind Direct-to-Disk recording of LA Four "Going Home" It's out of print but appears regularly on eBay and other places.
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