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High Rollers
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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. World at War "Whirlwind". Episode about the Allied bombing of Germany in WWII.
  2. Just called Al to ask him to pick me up some New Belgium Lips of Faith La Jolie and/or other sour beers while he was at City Beer. Santa Barbara is a sour beer wasteland. All I've found is Monk's Cafe. Not bad but not great either. The bad news is that Al and Jeff had moved on to a restaurant for dinner. The good news is that he'll be on the lookout for good sour beer and build me a stockpile. Thanks Al.
  3. Belated Happy Birthday! :prettyprincess: Hope you had a great one.
  4. Yeah, a card reader would be good. I still have a couple of decks from my grad school days. Of course, I'd also need a SNOBOL 4 interpreter to run them.
  5. Isn't Steve rooming with you at CanJam?
  6. guzziguy

    Rubber Feet

    I had the same problem and used a cheap solution suggested to me on head-fi (gasp). I bought 8 hockey pucks and put them under the spikes. They are thicker than the spike is long, so the spikes can't go through to the floor. When I move the speaker stand, the pucks stay on the spikes. My total cost was less than one Herbie's Threaded Stud Glider.
  7. guzziguy

    Canjam 2010.

  8. Belated Happy Birthday. :prettyprincess:
  9. Happy Birthday. :prettyprincess:
  10. I have an older Sharp LCD TV that I've had in such an alcove. I haven't noticed any issues with it. Of course, I drink a lot too.
  11. That's what they used to sell the iPad. "This is the tablet you are looking for." As you can see, it was very effective.
  12. They are using the "Vulcan Mind-meld" app.
  13. Indeed...
  14. Or you can watch "The Oxbow Incident" to see the Western version.
  15. And will be tube based. Of course, it also never will be delivered.
  16. Happy Birthday Doug. :prettyprincess: Drink yourself silly.
  17. Nate, glad to hear that the damage was limited to the meniscus. Good luck with the rehab.
  18. For a Lexus they should have offered him some Pliny the Younger.
  19. What does B52 have in common with "audiophile grade"? Nah, just replace both with MilSpec wireless.
  20. Wouldn't it be easier for you to meet everybody in Chicago?
  21. guzziguy

    Canjam 2010.

    Why limit it there? I suggest making Dec 31 the cut-off date.
  22. Sorry for your loss, Greg. Were the 3 small objects shell casings from the 21-gun salute? I have mine from my father's funeral. I'll toast your father tonight.
  23. What about bankers?
  24. All right, a new turnaround record for Mike!
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