Sorry to hear that you are sunburned Shelly. I suggest that you also take aspirin or ibuprofen (acetominophen won't do it) as they both reduce pain and swelling, the two main symptoms of a sunburn.
Happy Birthday Greg! :prettyprincess:
Tonight you deserve only the best wine and we are going to make sure that you get it.
Just as soon as you give us the key to your wine storage room.
Just drank the Supplication. It is yummy but I think I prefer Consecration. They are similar but Consecration seems to have more layers of flavor. However, I didn't try them side-by-side so I reserve the right to change my mind on this.
Yes, I was lucky enough (and bought enough tickets) to win them. So they are free except for the $50 charge for impressions and $50 for raffle tickets. It's still a great deal of course.
As a neurophysiology PhD student in a previous lifetime, I congratulate and support you in your decision to quit grad school and pursue something that truly interests you. It's a wise decision.
Good luck in becoming a brewer and please save a bottle from the first batch for me.
Went to the SB Whole Foods for the first time (it's fairly new in SB). Their beer selection isn't the largest in town, but it's possibly the most interesting. Bought:
Russian River Consecration
Sierra Nevada 30th Anniversary Stout
Piraat Triple Amber Ale
Zoet Flemish Ale
I'm going to have to stay out of there.
Also bought ear impressions for new Westone IEMs (next to the whole foods).
Why? As Steve pointed out, he can always be reached at:
Magic Garden Mastering: Welcome to Magic Garden Mastering
I also noticed that he's a member of, so Deepak could reach him there too.