I'm on to the next set of kit questions. It involves the 3 wire power cord. In the instructions, it refers to a "smooth side" and a "ribbed side". The "smooth side" is connected to the fuse and the "ribbed side" is connected to the switch. Since the instructions are specific about this, I'm assuming that that the polarity is important. The problem is that in the included cord, both sides are smooth. So I have the following questions:
1. Is the polarity that important? It is AC coming in. So only the phase would be different. Does it really matter how I hook up the non-ground wires?
2. In the schematic diagram on page 18, what is the perspective of the AC male plug? Are we looking from the front of the plug (i.e. at the pins) or are we looking at the wires coming out the back of the plug?
Elenco XP-720K manual