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High Rollers
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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. I had a spaghetti omelet. Make an omelet using left-over spaghetti as the feeling, then use left-over spaghetti sauce as the topping. Had some green beans with it.
  2. My vet uses a Dremel tool. I've seen others use an emery board or sand paper. When she'll cooperate, I'll get a picture of my White-Fronted Amazon's beak so you can see the difference.
  3. As the banner above the computer room in my grad school days said: Don't attempt vast projects with half-vast solutions.
  4. That and duct tape.
  5. Took a bunch of e-crap to the recycling center.
  6. How is this different from the other times?
  7. Nice pictures. The beak of the White-Fronted Amazon (first pic) could use some serious grooming.
  8. Matt, what did you have in mind for Friday? Going to Ybor City sounds a lot more interesting to me than going to Bern's.
  9. Well, they would be drinking Bond-ed liquor.
  10. Happy Birthday, Holiday buddy! :prettyprincess: See you in just over a week. Yay!
  11. guzziguy

    slow forum

    Look deeper next time and you'll see.
  12. guzziguy

    slow forum

    Looks like a politician to me.
  13. guzziguy


    Great! Hope to see you there.
  14. guzziguy


    I'd love to, but can't afford it. I used up the last of my United Miles to go to Tampa next week. Why don't you come too and pay me back there? Or at MOA II?
  15. guzziguy


    No problem. Maybe that should be my new job. I could work from home as a "Guilt Alleviator". The price depends on the cause of the guilt and ease of alleviation.
  16. guzziguy


  17. You need to quit that dead-end day job of yours.
  18. Happy Birthday, Haj. :prettyprincess: Hope you had a great one.
  19. I'll bet having a dead girlfriend is a lot less complicated than having a live one.
  20. Happy Birthday Zoe! :prettyprincess:
  21. Isn't there a Darth T1 yet?
  22. Happy Birthday, Bryan. :prettyprincess: Have a great one!
  23. Postman then?
  24. 2 copies of Machinarium from Steam, one for me and one for my sister.
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