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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. $602! That's what I call revenue enhancement.
  2. My Miele was a discontinued color and was on sale for $200. It was their smallest and least expensive model. It's still the best vacuum I've ever owned. Edit: I bought it several years ago.
  3. I always viewed you more as Green Burrito.
  4. Now we know where Mikhail went.
  5. Happy Birthday, guys! :prettyprincess:
  6. The Borders in SB is shutting its doors. It's not only e-books, but online music and video that has hurt Borders. The SB Borders has 3 floors (it's in an old bank building). Not too many years ago, the entire third floor was taken up by CDs and DVDs. Recently, maybe a quarter of the third floor had these products. Borders just never learned how to survive/thrive in the new book/music/video paradigm.
  7. Houston, we have a problem.
  8. Yeah, vintage. That's the ticket!
  9. I think that we need to get Jacob this. Then he'll have the strength to stand and can avoid injuries in the future.
  10. I traded an out of date amplifier kit and tubes for a Pico.
  11. Maybe you should move to a warm climate?
  12. Happy Birthday! :prettyprincess:
  13. Happy Birthday Jacob! :prettyprincess: Heal up fast and hope to see you soon.
  14. Happy Belated Birthday! :prettyprincess: Hope you had a great one.
  15. Damned with faint praise.
  16. Happy Birthday, Chris! :prettyprincess: Don't forget to listen to Going Home to start your new year off right.
  17. That would still beat any Singlepower deliveries.
  18. I agree, though I'd be much more likely to buy the first two than a product called Costanza.
  19. I second Jim's comments about the build and sound quality of the Valhalla. Schiit does seem to make nice products at bargain prices. However, I think the name will hurt them. It is nice that they don't take themselves too seriously, but one must wonder if they take themselves seriously enough. Puns are funny once, but quickly become old. I hope that they reduce the amount of "punnage" in the future. See? The name "Bottlehead" comes from the owner, who is affectionately nicknamed Doc Bottlehead. This comes from his love of tubes. The "sex" theme of his names came from his first product, the "Simple (I think) Experimenter's Kit". This morphed into S.E.X. Then he made a preamp kit. What comes before sex? Foreplay! Ergo it was so named and the sex them was born. I don't mind the sex theme at all. Sex is a nice thing and goes well with music. Shit is not such a nice thing and doesn't go well with anything audio. Also, I'm not so happy with the latest "drug" theme that Bottlehead is using for the headphone products, but it's still better than Shit. Lastly, Bottlehead seems to keep the amount of puns in check.
  20. They got 80 inches in the Bishop/Mammoth Lakes from the recent storm.
  21. TamJam t-shirt.
  22. Did an after-Christmas outing with my family (sister, brother, his wife and the husband of my late sister). We went went whale watching out of Ventura harbor. We saw 4 California Gray Whales, a bunch of Common Dolphins and even more California Sea Lions. It was a great day for everybody, except my sister-in-law. She was terribly seasick from the moment we left the harbor. She was still feeling bad when we left Ventura harbor. I hope that she is feeling better by now.
  23. With cherries on top.
  24. That looks really good. It's just missing a mess of bacon.
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