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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. When I read his posts, I thought "Dusty must be very bored".
  2. Cycle World magazine has a review of JH Audio JH-5Ms in its latest issue (June 2011, pg 100). CW loved the sound quality at low to mid- speeds, but felt that wind noise overpowered the iems at high speeds. They also said that the JH-5M didn't block sound as well as ear plugs. I thought it quite fair from the viewpoint of being used while motorcycling. Then I noticed that they referenced www.hearingdynamics.net as the source of the JH-5Ms. It seems that Jerry and Beth Orliss have built a partnership to produce and sell a custom JHA iem for motorcycling and other sporting applications. I don't see many people spending $500 for this application, especially after the review in Cycle World, but it will be interesting to see.
  3. 20 years then?
  4. How about 2 years instead?
  5. Yep. In the US, I think you have to be close to my age to remember when LCD meant something different than it does today.
  6. Be nice Dinny. After all, he spent 6 entire days determining exactly the correctly headphones for the newbie. That's a lot of effort.
  7. Happy Birthday, Manuel. :prettyprincess: I hope that you have a great one.
  8. I would take almost any place over LV, any day!
  9. Happy Birthday. :prettyprincess:
  10. I'm meeting a friend at 5:30 to do a tasting of Beckmen wines. Then we'll head out to what I think is the best French restaurant in town. I'm taking a chilled bottle of 2008 Vogelzang Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc to drink as an aperitif.
  11. Barry Manilow too? Mike, you forgot to mention that you hate Comcast.
  12. Bill Frisell - Unspeakable It's really good, but at this point I prefer Gone, Like a Train and Nashville to this. That may change with multiple listenings.
  13. 1. Literally "he farts higher than his mouth". Meanings: pompous, think's too highly of one's self. 2. Literally "it is forbidden to do the ass". Meaning: Don't be an ass/asshole.
  14. 1. Literally "he farts higher than his ass". Meanings: pompous, think's too highly of one's self. The implication is that what comes out of one's mouth when talking is the same as what comes out of the ass when farting. 2. Literally "it is forbidden to do the asshole". Meaning: Don't be an asshole, assholes not allowed.
  15. He's actually pretty funny with his indignation. It brings to mind a couple of French phrases that apply to him perfectly: Il pète plus haut que son cul. Il est interdit de faire le con.
  16. Happy Birthday, Ryan. :prettyprincess: Enjoy the day and the beer!
  17. What he said. Sorry.
  18. Great news about Ollie. Hope the next step goes as well as the surgery did.
  19. Me three! Jeff, if I had all your watches, only the Panerai would get wrist time. Just get her a nice tea set.
  20. Hope it's minor.
  21. Happy Birthday, Lloyd. :prettyprincess: Have a great one!
  22. Then I guess that we should call this amp "The Destroyer".
  23. You have to like red haired boys if you are letting Colin choose them for you.
  24. Was this in NYC after visiting the six vendors at the show?
  25. Definitely a tough call.
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