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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. Welcome Todd. I hope to hear the new stuff at a meet some day. Good luck with all the Apex line.
  2. It turns out that Thomas' shutout was complete and that absolutely no Canucks scored. Edit: An Aussie might have the next day though.
  3. If it fails again, you probably should sue them. Do you know any good lawyers in Florida?
  4. Happy Birthday, Scott! :prettyprincess:
  5. Congrats to all. @Al. I glad that you mom is doing better. It sounds like she is a fighter.
  6. It lets the bass out.
  7. Just wear them to group and nod a lot.
  8. Just ordered an Aerostich Roadcrafter Lightweight riding suit. This will replace a 21-year old Roadcrafter that barely fits.
  9. Vicki, if JHA doesn't have the file, I suggest contacting the artist. He/she would almost certainly have it.
  10. As a young kid, I really enjoyed watching Gun Smoke. Rest easy Matt Dillion.
  11. I have a motorcycle buddy who is looking for a tablet on which to base a GPS system for motorcycling. He is doing this for personal use only and not looking to make a product. He has been using Garmin products for this up to now but is tired of paying large amounts of money for Garmin maps and often not being able to get the map he wants from Garmin. There are a lot of maps out there and the GPS system he plans to use supports them. His largest need is lots of storage to hold the maps. He doesn't need any cell phone wireless protocols as he plans on tethering it to a cell phone. He recently pointed me to Archos 70 and upcoming Archos 7 tablets. Could the Android knowledgeable here please tell me what they think of these tablets and whether either would be a reasonable HW base for my friend's need? He would be happy to consider any other recommendations. I have a question about the specs of the Archos 70. It says that "Windows/Linux/Mac" are system requirements. I don't understand this. I assume that the tablet runs Android? Is this for a separate machine? Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
  12. Happy Belated Birthday, Ben! :prettyprincess: Hope you had a great one.
  13. Happy Birthday! :prettyprincess:
  14. Thanks all. This means definitely more meets and lunches. Unfortunately you've missed nothing. The house has not yet sold. With 7 animals, I can't let a chance like this pass. Almost nobody would rent to me. Also it may help to sell with the animals and I living elsewhere. It will sell and I can afford (barely) to carry both for a while.
  15. What? Are you afraid that Stretch is going to drop by and peek in?
  16. Came to a verbal agreement today to rent a 2 BR apartment in a 100 ranch house. There are 3 apts in the house and my best friend's son-in-law will be taking another one of them. We'll sublet the 3rd apt. It's on 80 acres just north of SB. It's wonderfully quiet and scenic. Best of all, this means I will be able to stay in SB a little longer.
  17. To me, they both look like Ray designed them, all that black and gold. Not good.
  18. These are my first Smartwool socks. However, I own Smartwool thermal underwear and love them. Unlike cotton and polypropylene clothes, Smartwool doesn't smell bad after a day of wearing. This is great for multi-day motorcycle trips. I expect the Smartwool socks to be just as nice as their underwear.
  19. Of course you're not worthy. Who is?
  20. A couple pair of Smartwool socks to go with my new motorcycle boots.
  21. The Thrashers will feel right at home then.
  22. Boont Amber Ale
  23. I'm happy to hear the good news about Andrew, Nate. I hope that you stored up a bunch of sleep.
  24. There are some good Crock Pot oatmeal recipes on the web. Just prepare it and turn on the Crock Pot before going to bed and, voila, you'll have wonderful oatmeal in the morning.
  25. I'm sure that you were chortling while you did it.
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