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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. Arrr matey. Have a great birthday.
  2. Tools don't kill the internet, abusers do. Just making fun. Gun control makes a lot more sense to me that internet control, and I'm not that hot on gun control except for assault rifles.
  3. Happy Birthday, Grahame. Have a great one. Bacon! Bacon! Bacon!
  4. Glad things are getting better for you after a dismal three months, Vicky. Your office looks great! You have wonderful decorating/arranging skills.
  5. No, no, no. TP will just dampen them further. To undampen them, you need to put in some flubber.
  6. Happy Birthday, John. Have a great one. I hope that the new job comes through for you.
  7. Great tasting but overfished and endangered. Edit: Just saw the joke. That is funny.
  8. Thanks you all for your kind thoughts and words. Stacy and I have been separated for 2 years and long ago agreed we weren't getting back together. Still, her filing hurts more than I thought it would. I think that it's the final (or almost final) indication that this part of my life failed. Also there is the fear of being without health insurance. I can always get relatively inexpensive high-deductible insurance and I'll get a job sooner or later and insurance should come with that. Good luck acidbasement. I'm sure it would be good for you to finish the degree. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
  9. Stacy told me today that she was filing for divorce. We've been separated for 2 years. It's not surprising though it hurts because I'll lose my medical insurance coverage through her. On the positive side, I have an interview on Monday. Hopefully everything will balance out.
  10. Happy Birthday, Luis.
  11. You forget to mention your SAS experience on your LinkedIn profile.
  12. Does anybody know anything about hifi4less.com in the UK? They sell the DV42 (Goldring 1049 replacement stylus) for 140GBP, which is about $216. The cheapest I've seen it online in the US is about $295. Googling hifi4less didn't find any red flags, but I thought I'd run this by you guys before finding out if they will sell to me and what shipping would cost.
  13. Or wait until the kgssSHV comes out. I'm sure Kevin will design one some day.
  14. Arrr matey. Let me know if you want to borrow Oscar (see my avatar) to complete the look.
  15. That's not a turd, it's a haggis. Or maybe some marmite. It's hard to tell.
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. Happy Birthday, Knucks!
  18. If you use the first two colors together, your house will look like a BOQ (bachelor officer quarters) on an Army post.
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. Jim, what makes you think that they are acting?
  21. I like the black too. Though the place would look better with the pole in.
  22. Maybe we should rename this thread to "Ode to Bacon".
  23. This. Happy New Year to all.
  24. Belated Happy Birthday, Andy. Hope you had a great one!
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