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Everything posted by guzziguy

  1. Happy Birthday, Jeff! Have a great one.
  2. Happy Birthday, Mike! I hope it's filled with Bowie and King Crimson music.
  3. Happy Birthday, Adam! Have a wonderful day.
  4. RIP Bob Uecker!
  5. Belated Happy Birthday, Grahame! You might ask your vet if you can get that antibiotic in an ear ointment. It's much easier to apply to the cat that trying to force something down its throat.
  6. Happy Birthday, Renato!
  7. Happy Birthday! Hope you and your mom are feeling better.
  8. Happy New Year, HeadCase! 🍾
  9. Thanks everybody. I'm enjoying a nice holiday in Hemet with my brother's family.
  10. Merry Birthday, Ric!
  11. Which one is the "Bubble and Squeak"?
  12. Belated Happy Birthday, Todd! Hope you had a great day.
  13. Happy Thanksgiving. I spent it with two young friends and their families. It was great.
  14. Happy Birthday, Bryan! Have a wonderful day.
  15. Happy Birthday, JP!
  16. Belated Happy Birthday, Mikey! Hope you had a great day.
  17. This^. Thanks Todd!
  18. Happy Birthday, Marc!
  19. Happy Birthday, Peter! Have a great day.
  20. Belated Happy Birthday, Peter! Hope it was a great one.
  21. Careful what you ask for?
  22. No bananas?
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