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Everything posted by Zashoomin

  1. So I already noted that I was really really late to pay and I already said this in the note in paypal but better put it here as well. I sent the payment. If my order was omitted because it was so late than we can figure it out. Otherwise better late than never and thanks for doing this group buy.
  2. Checked all the joints and resoldered all of the pzta ones. Still have the same issue. Every once in a while a big number will pop up...like its supposed to. Is it possible I have a bad transistor or that I burned one up?
  3. Ok so I have 2 built two identical pzta board on my dynahi and I got them both biased and one I got the DC offset dialed in. It seems like a drifts a bit though but from 0+ to 0- I get around 0.7-0.3mv. I think this is fine, but on the other board it seems like I have no dc offset. Would anyone have any idea why this is? Also when I plug in the opa445 chip the right side LED dims.
  4. I want to order some dynahi boards with the surface mount parts and was wondering if anyone has built one to make sure that everything works. If anyone wants some boards as well I think I might have a couple of extra depending on how many I order and how much interest there is. I will only be ordering the on board heat sink ones.
  5. I was able to dial in the bais correctly by increasing the resistance to 1k. Now the DC offset is 20v. Not 20mv but 20V. I am not sure if I went overboard by changing the resistance so much or I fried some parts.
  6. If I want to decrease bias do I need to decrease the 500ohm resistors in parallel with the 10k pots?
  7. I biased the on board version to 0.75, and boy does the on board heat sinks get hot. How hot is everyone's heat sinks getting? Also is it normal for one set out output resistors to measure 0.75V while the other set measure 1V?
  8. I bought one a about a month ago and got a V2. The build quality on it is fantastic and is pretty solid imo. Paint on the outside is a bit prone to scratching and fingerprints if you care about that kind of thing. Otherwise very satisfied.
  9. I think that your khozmo pot is a 50k ohm one. I believe you want 10k if I am not mistaken.
  10. I'll Just leave this here http://campaign.wearhaus.com/76TWE8
  11. Email lil knight. He has some extras.
  12. I personally think that it is because the PCB for the amp boards are so big and a bit more expenisve than the average board to stuff. I mean they aren't that big but the way they are, it would make for a very easy one chassis build or simple small 2 chassis build. also a bit part i think is that the original amp only was ever single ended.
  13. I was also thinking about buying one to compare to the current one that I am building. Does look like I would need a different transfromer though. Apparently there is one that comes with it that is 220V.
  14. You could try one of these as well. http://glass-ware.stores.yahoo.net/atandsise.html or you can get a VALabs one or even just settle for an alps pot(which is still better than the stock pot).
  15. Thanks. It looks like this transformer is 24v when the power supply asks for 22v is that ok?
  16. Ok thank you. I am sorry but I am fairly knew to DIY so I have a lot of questions. Do I need to match any of the parts? Also how do you know what to bias the amp to and how do you know what the test points are? Lastly, will a 160VA transformer be sufficiant? Thanks in advance.
  17. So because there doesn't seem to be anyone with an unneeded KSA5 board, I have decided to order some of my own. I know you said that you recommend 3oz copper but would 2oz work as well? Also does one power supply sound better than the other?
  18. If anyone is willing to sell their KSA5 boards I would love to get my hands on one.
  19. Send him an Email. He seems to be more responsive to that but even that I haven't gotten a response in over a month. But he did get back to me a month ago.
  20. Hello, Ya I am also looking for a pair of dynahi boards and a pair of KSA5 Boards. Thanks in advance
  21. Well I am looking for 1 set of the KSA5 boards and 2 Dynahi boards (I believe I need 2 for balanced operation). If you have any left over that would be fantastic.
  22. Alright I will send over an email as well.
  23. The F5 is in the works as well. So many projects so little time. I was hoping to make another beta 22, dynahi, KSA5 and compare as those seem to be the top of the line when it comes to headphone amps.
  24. I was wondering if there where some boards still availble.
  25. Hi everyone long time luker on head case and was looking into building an on board heat sink balanced dynahi and just wanted to clarify some things. So it looks like it will work very nicely with a Sigma 22 power supply powered by a 100VA transfromer. The questions I do have are if I wanted to power speakers out of this how many watts would I get into 8ohms, Do I need 2 sigma 22's or just one, and are the gerber's available for the board.
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