Thanks Dr. Gilmore. Sorry, I forgot give you the settup of my amp.
My Dynahi used two Sigma 22 with two toroids (160VA each one). The output volt. is 29,5 Volt DC.
I followed the Ti Kan´s guide for settup. The Bias is 0,75 Volt, the working temp is arround 70º centigrades. I had problems with the offset setting but now it´s controled.
I´ve used my DAC with balanced output and I checked some Input configuration:
Balanced input with SE output (I used the O+ and PSU ground)
SE input with I- to ground with SE output
With those options the sound is very poor and the volume is "minimal" but with balanced input I believe that the test is a bit best. I use for dummy test an old AKG.
If you need more info, photos or other check/test, I can post in this thread
Edit for error, sorry