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Everything posted by jose

  1. Hello Dr. Gilmore. Your are right but If I connect the servo and I take a measure, I have DC offset around the same 70 mVolt in + and - channels but it doesn't have drifting. Possibly this is silly but I worry break a headphone with this offset. A picture of mi Dynahi.
  2. Two week burning the amp. I took new dates. L channel BIAS ~ 0,750 mVolt. Offset ~ 2 mVolt (Without servo) R channel Bias ~ 0,750 mVolt. Offset ~70 mVolt (Without servo) I've tried down the offset of the Right channel but I can´t. This channel always has a hard drifting. If I regulate the + channel to 0 volt, the - channel drifting to 150/-150 mVolt. If I tried the other cannel down to 0 volt, I have the same result. What can be causing this problem?
  3. The Opa 445 can reducing the offset from 100 mvolt to 0 Volt?
  4. For the LCD2 don't is a bad amp, but I prefer use it with Monitor 10 or the HD6X0, DT990, DT880... IMHO, the Beta 22 or Dynahi balanced is best option for the LCD2.
  5. Hi I´m looking a set of KGSSHV boads. Please, if someone has boards... Thanks
  6. Hello It´s balanced input and unbalanced output.
  7. New dates: 1Khz, 1 Volt Rms to input Out put: 17,138 Volt Rms Thanks
  8. Dr. Gilmore You are right. For an error I mistook the cap. value for 0,2uF Now my Dynahj is flying I wish you a happy new year.
  9. Thanks Dr. Gilmore I will check the cap. tomorrow. I suppose that it´s the correct value but... Sincerely, I will prefer a simple error on the caps code. We buy a big lot of Mospec and after "match", they are working fine on the Krell, but I will take note... Thanks
  10. ok, Thanks Justin, the next time. I checked the boards but the resistors values are correct wiht this: I only changed the cap. for 1000 uF/35 volt Yes, I had problem with the offset but I could solve with patience... and a matl whisky. Thanks
  11. Hello I made a test with help of Torpedo and Picaudio (Thank you guys). I'm sending a calibrate signal from my PC and DAC (1Khz and 1 volt) to I+. On the O+ I just check 0,0791 volt. If I send the I- to ground, I check 0,0500 volt. I would like post photos of my work. Thanks
  12. Thanks Dr. Gilmore. Sorry, I forgot give you the settup of my amp. My Dynahi used two Sigma 22 with two toroids (160VA each one). The output volt. is 29,5 Volt DC. I followed the Ti Kan´s guide for settup. The Bias is 0,75 Volt, the working temp is arround 70º centigrades. I had problems with the offset setting but now it´s controled. I´ve used my DAC with balanced output and I checked some Input configuration: Balanced input with SE output (I used the O+ and PSU ground) SE input with I- to ground with SE output With those options the sound is very poor and the volume is "minimal" but with balanced input I believe that the test is a bit best. I use for dummy test an old AKG. If you need more info, photos or other check/test, I can post in this thread Thanks Edit for error, sorry
  13. Hello everyone. It´s my first post here and I need a bit help, if it´s possible of course. I have got a Balanced Dynahi (Tran´s boards, using the THAT340). I just finish the amp and set-up but I have a problem with the output: I´m using a SE input with Input- to ground and output- floating. The sound is very poor and the volumen is little. With balanced input and the output- floating, the result it´s the same, poor sound and little volume. In this time, I haven´t volume pot. Have the same problem? Thanks
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