Hello guys.
Thanks for your replies.
Dr. Gilmore, I never use IEM´s so I haven´t got any problem, but I´m thinking about a new match.
Nopants yes. I have a KSA 5 Klone and the original use a XLR male conector for the output. I used a 4 male pin conector for the output (more or less similar to original).I want to use only a connector for my HD6X0 headphones. I know it´s not correct but I have a cap for this conection in case I don´t use it.
Well, I´m not good describing the sound of my amps (and my natural language is Spanish) but I really like the dynahi sound. In this moment I prefer the Dynahi sound to Beta22. It´s very clear and powerful, on this point is similar to my Beta but the great difference is that the Dynahi have a detail, a note... what really, it make it very different.
A PSU picture. I use two Sigma22 and two 160VA toroid