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Everything posted by jose

  1. Is the knob already assembled?
  2. Could I use those regulators as dc-dc converters? Edit: I need a step down from 20 Vdc to 12Vdc
  3. How do you put the led on the volume knob?
  4. I'm waiting win the lotto
  5. Ufffffff. Paragon is a beautiful speaker. I guess you know the work of "Kenrick Sound" restoring the Paragon ans other JBL models Sorry for offtopic
  6. Yes, yes, I followed the recommendation of that post but now I have changed the volumen, putting it between the unbal/bal and buffers. It is also true that you use an attenuator (relay or digital I´m not sure) and I am using a volume pot.
  7. Nop... Apparently the right place for the Unbal/bal is before the volume pot. I guess it worked better with a stable input voltage. Maybe Dr. Gilmore can explain it to us. Offset is a different problem. We are working on this. Apparently it is easy to solve without changing our pcb's. I just fixed one of mine, but surely there will be an improved PCB. Basically we already know how to fix it. Modifying the 250 Ohm resistors... at least in my case. I need to modify the rest of my buffers to compensate the offset. Let me experiment a little.
  8. I´m working on my KG Preamp unbal/bal. I was setting up my preamp in the following way: Input- Volume-Unbal/Bal-Buffer-output. Dr Gilmore recommended me to change the order and put the volume between the Unbal / Bal and the Buffers, so now is: Input-Unbal/Bal-Volume-Unbal/Bal-output.
  9. very nice!!!! I like leds around the volume. Edit: ... but I prefer K100RT café race too.
  10. For your next project maybe?
  11. Scott Hamilton... guys, is beautiful.
  12. RIP Michael...
  13. Beautiful... I can not stop looking at it
  14. Change the THAT340 for 2SK170/2SJ74. Yes, it's expensive but it's worth it and this amplifier deserves it You have Linear on DIYAstore or you can search some member that have Toshibas. I think that 55º is right.
  15. Paid. Thanks!!!!
  16. Steve please remember that I only need two set of THAT adapters and add a new unbal/bal tube pcb (in total two sets) at my order. Thanks
  17. I am very interested in this question. I was thinking about using the Salas Shunt on my Pearl II but I am very attracted to the idea of using the GRLV.
  18. Thanks Dr. Gilmore. Silly question, what's the point of putting another buffer between unbal / bal boards and the CFA if it already has a buffer in its input? Just adapt the impedance? I am using the unbal / bal directly connected to the CFA and the result is great.
  19. Steve, Do you received my PM? I'm waiting for the change to pay you
  20. No, noooooooooo... I assure you that my hearing skills are quite common. My idea is to test if the improvement is real using Jfets instead of Fets. Measurable things like the ones I saw on the Dynalo/hi Susi using Jfet vs Fet (or rather the That340. How I hate that integrated shit ). Probably you are right it´s a better idea to experiment on the unbal/bal or buffers instead of the amplifier. That by the way, I have to say that the un / bal works great. I have been using balanced and SE and it sounds nice, very nice. I have also seen that the CFA works better with the unbal / bal with a 10k pot as preamp than with my Classé preamp. I´m not sure why *About the buffers, these continue to give me real headaches, I don´t get them to work.
  21. Erik Söderlind
  22. Thinking about this. Would it be possible to change in CFA Q9 and Q11 by Jfets as we did in the SuSis?
  23. Pars's point of view is very interesting. I only have two orthos (LCD2 and HE400I both balanced) and is true that with the CFA both has more bass and more "punch" but I think that which is due to the great power of the CFA. The rest of my headphones sound more neutral with the CFA than the Dynalo SS. Notes: My Dynalo SS has Jfets (2SK170/2SJ74) on the input too and I guess this can also be a factor to consider but Pars has more experience with this.
  24. I have finished my GRLV "portable"
  25. I am very bad describing sounds and more when my language is not maternal. IMHO CFA is very, very neutral I would say almost "surgical" with all headphones. My Dynalo SS too but it has a bass more warm and musical... if you like this term. I think it would be more fair to compare the Dynahi SS with the CFA bal. Obviously CFA is much more powerful than the Dynalo SS (Besides, my CFA is balanced and dual mono while the my Dynalo SS is "only" balanced), but with both you´ll have enough power to move things like the HD6X0, Akg, Beyer ... balanced or in SE, so I wouldn´t worry much about that except when you try to move the LCD or headphones with a miserable sensibility. Here, the CFA is the King but in exchange for losing that musicality that has the Dynalo SS.
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