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Everything posted by bhjazz

  1. With all the military usage, what if an actual explosion was close by? I suppose Private Smith's head would explode as well.
  2. First quarter complete. Grade: A. Difficult and time consuming. Just six months left. ouch...
  3. One of these days I'll have to jump on a plane and meet all the east coasters in person!
  4. Ah. Uncomfy how? Too snug? Too sweaty?
  5. bhjazz

    slow forum

    That's some wheelchair.
  6. Thank you, friends. The original date, hmm. I think when I first registered I just slid the year drop down as far back as I could. Actually, it was '63. Inching closer to fifty now. Yikes.
  7. Well, I've got a rear-view mirror for things like that. Still, the bastards hide behind my head somehow.
  8. bhjazz

    slow forum

  9. I did "run a simple comparison." It was about a year ago. I don't own any of the three I mentioned, though, and thought a discussion here would be in order. Additionally, there are two dealers in the area who have any idea what good headphones are, and they only have Senns or Grado. I'm merely shopping for opinions here.
  10. That I didn't know. I'm now wondering why I didn't like their signature... Oh. Ha! I was just quoting the list of possible parts lists that are "can't miss build #2, #1" etc. Sorry for the obscure reference. Like you, I have a pile of boards that I need to work on and try out. Some day... That sounds a lot like the Bottlehead Foreplay I built a few yeras back. Pairing that with my Classe CAV-150 with it's own 29dB gain meant touchy countrols until I could back off the gain a bit. Thanks for the reminder, though. Knowing that the ESW9 is maybe more sensitive helps me pair it with something better. Excellent information. I had forgotten about trying to isolate those around me. Guy next to me often cranks up his Bose Quiet Comfort. They're not so quiet in my own cube. Yeah, this gives me more focus. I want better sound than a pair of freebees, headband design so I can take them off when my supervisor stops by, sound isolation so others don't have to hear what I am listening to that day, and something that responds well to different amps and dacs. I have added isolation to my list! I guess the RS2i is off the list, then? It seems like they won't supply much isolation. Thanks guys. This is great information! Brian
  11. Interesting. Well, the last time I heard HF-2s, I thought they sounded a bit flat, but its been a while. Beefy, that Buffalo/Crack/650 rig sounds like it would be damn good. Did you ever try the ESW9 with that setup? If I could find even a few extra tubes I'd bring the (forgot to mention) MHSS to work, even though it is not nearly as nice as the Crack.
  12. New headphones: do want. Problems: I'm still studying Java at UW. It comsumes about 95% of my free time so regular headphone listening just doesn't happen unless I get spare time at work, which is also rare. I'll be done in June, though. I'm thinking of three possibilities: ATH-ESW9 Good: Good form factor for work, seem to respond reasonably well to amps. Bad: Would I use them outside of work? RS2i Good: Enjoyed these when hearing the RS2 a year or so back. Would be a nice 32ohm phone for use with the Ventus or future suitable amps. Might be nice to have for a work rig, albeit maybe a little overkill. Bad: Maybe a little pricy for leaving at work. LS-2 Good: Well, geez! Love these. They are on the "will buy eventually" list. Bad: Probably wouldn't get these until Summer, after completing school. They would not stay at work. JH13: I don't have much time to get these right. Plus if these were used at work, they'd be in and out of my ears too much. Upcoming builds: Bijou Buffalo dac Some Millett Max build that I understand I can't miss. Also in the house: HD600 Shure SE310 (selling soon) CK2III Ventus DVP-S9000ES Theta Casanova (with a nice DAC) Sure, the way I'm leaning is obvious. I"m just curious what my 'case friends would do. Thanks!
  13. I've read some similar comments, and for me I like the look of plams anyway. From what I've read on some of those forums, Panasonic has "fixed" their black-level issues for the 2011 models. Might have something to do with the Kuro tech stuff, not sure. Still, I'll probably try to seek one of those out and see it in person.
  14. Wow x 2!
  15. Merry Christmas, all, from green and non-snowy Seattle. I'm happy to have my friends here at Head Case!
  16. bhjazz

    slow forum

  17. I've got an original Droid, picked it up in March. I definitely like the OS, although after some code-level digging the audio processing leaves a lot to be desired. In fact, it looks very much like Win 3.1 "multimedia" calls. Hilarious. Oh well, jsut leaves room for improvement, I suppose. I'm not at all fond of the caching scheme when attempting to watch even a two or three minute video online. I don't know why they can't cache the entire package of data. It stinks. If I can pick up wifi where I am, video works a lot better. I dumped a few movies on it using Handbrake and they look great. It also plays most audio files: mp3, flac, wav. Oh, and I have a port of Quake3 running on it as well. Why it's ridiculously difficult to navigate without a mouse, I can still show it off. Current apps: andLess (FLAC), Audalyzer, Scanner Radio, Winamp (for the Shoutcast streaming which works pretty much flawlessly. Take that, Android video team!) Next year I may try a ROM. Dunno. I think creating an account on AppBrain would be smart. That way you could load a new ROM then run out and install all your favorite apps on top.
  18. Well, I thought it would be rude not to open this nice package in my mailbox...! First up, David Sanborn - Upfront. The opening track here is slick! Next, Anahita - matricaria. Looks really interesting. I'll have to give it a listen...now! And, just because I thought it was cool to look through, I joined rateyourmusic. I'll need to figure out how to set up those cool links like Dmitriy, though. Dmitriy: Thanks!
  19. Ken may have been thinking of that African Gray who sings Bodies by Drowning Pool. That would have covered it either way.
  20. Dmitriy, you are so kind. In my defense, a couple of those were from my own collection and just not getting good playing time here. I read through a lot of your reviews on rateyourmusic and saw these people as backups or on other albums that you liked. And as for the Frisell, if it doesn't pan out, the artwork is cool. I'm happy you're excited about them. That really made my day! I look forward to checking my mailbox tonight.................!
  21. More and more homework for my Java programming class. I am completing my final project which is a Library. It seemed simple until I realized I had to code around tihngs like adding duplicate patrons or library items. I've blown the entire weekend on this damn thing. June can't come fast enough.
  22. bhjazz

    slow forum

    Just so people know, you can add up to 999 items in Amazon, but it seems you have to creep up on it. subtotal = $37,752.21 Not that I need that many copies of this textbook. /what QA people do when they drink
  23. After a small postal snafu at my house (as in: I thought you were gonna, no I thought you were gonna) the package is now, for realsies, in the hands of the USPS. Should arrive in a couple of days in a priority mail box. Cheers!
  24. bhjazz

    slow forum

    1930 vs. 1980
  25. Oh. What's this? Tracking Information: Status: Delivered Location: Front door Looks like a key item has shown up at my place. Good. I'll pack it up tonight and get it on the road tomorrow morning for Dmitri...
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