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Everything posted by bhjazz

  1. Jebus. Nice work, Pars! And BTW, that PS board is quite the trainwreck.
  2. Just ran across suggested release dates: http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-20030645-1.html as well as suggested price increases...
  3. This has traditionally been a PITA for Seattle-area meets. That, along with finding locations which are free to use. These two items just don't go together very well. So yeah: take charge and put your own stamp on the meets cee tee. I know it's not always easy (after having put together a bunch of seattle meets.) The fact that you seem to be getting payments is excellent. The people up here just don't want to or understand why one would want to. It defies me.
  4. Get off the table you little fucker. Momma didn't wash that tablecloth for you to wipe your feet on.
  5. Congrats all around. This should be the "hey isn't this accomplishment cool" thread. Go team! As for me: Java homework.
  6. That would be a great cd to leave in someone's player at a meet.
  7. YEAH! When I got my speakers really locked in, I listened to that release. The Ferrari is brilliant. For me right now: Still amazing.
  8. Should I be able to edit my member title? Or do I need to send money to someone first? The option does not appear on my profile page(s). Thanks.
  9. My point is this: why are they doing it at all? Time is money, and in this case, it is taxpayer money. With all the problems states need to solve, why bother with something so frivolous and useless? Wouldn't it be nice if they wre working on something that was actually useful? Where is the benefit to the people who pay them? Meanwhile, in Japan:
  10. Your tax dollars at work. Nice to see govt business as usual.
  11. Last weekend I had a chance to try the ESW9's with the Ventus. Wow, that's a nice combination. The Ventus drove the 42 ohm 'phones really well. Source was my ancient DVP-S9000. Good power, lots of control, good bass.
  12. Freak. So I brought an iPod as a source using RockBox software on it. The old 'pod doesn't get out much. I had set it up for some other pair of 'phones...and apparently had set it to headbanger mode because the bass was set too high. I caught it just a bit ago when listening to Audioslave and the bass was stupidly distorted. I thought wtf? Now that it's adjusted back to normal, this is a nice combination. Far more musical than it was this morning on the same tunes. Coolio.
  13. Speaking of socks, I have Clayton/Hamilton Jazz Orchestra on now. Sounds pretty durn good so these might be far more recording dependent than I thought. Weird. Just a touch dry, but better. Oh god, Nature Boy is on this album. gack.
  14. Good call. Yeah, you're probably right. But I should loop through all of the gear I have just in case This might be the right place for one of those "good lord what a bright sounding source" finds. Thanks for the reply, man.
  15. Listening now. And while they are enjoyable, I'm gonna say that there is not the right synergy withy a CK2III. They are both a bit laid back which could be good for some of the work I do (which needs my undivided attention) but when I'm on autopilot I might want a bit more upfront sound. I saw someone had paired these with an M3. That might provide me what I'm looking for... Beefy said: "I still really like their overall tone. But more recently I'm finding them too closed and congested, and not lively enough by comparison to my other gear." That's what I'm hearing. I'll need to figure out what I was listening to when I first heard these because this is not what I remember. Ah well, no worries. They're still nice. Just gotta get the right amp now.
  16. Not a lot you can do. My last house had a pond with a small waterfall. Frogs loved it. Even when I camped out 15 feet away to try and grab a few for "transport" they would remain completely silent. WIth one foot inside my back door...braap, back they came. Just remember that their mating noises are seasonal. (all I can think of at this point is the Far Side panel with the frog translation of "hey baby, hey baby.") For noise suppression, you could add a fan or white noise generator to your room which does a pretty good job. That and the ear plugs.
  17. Yes, crappy. The answer is yes. Exemplary work on that amp, Beefy. Looks like textbook work for a Bottlehead project. Doc B. would be proud. Congrats!
  18. That's true. I do know people like that. I laugh when people compare the other 'phile types to audiophile. Somehow audiophile has pariah-like consequences.
  19. Paging dsavitsk. Dsavitsk, please pick up a white courtesy handset.
  20. Jack Woo will arrive at your home shortly to reclaim the WA6. Ignore his tears.
  21. Rockwell says, "Audiophiles love audio and equipment, but rarely music." Asshole. No, I have no music degree, I didn't grow up around music, I didn't play four instruments before I was 16. No, I don't love music. What an undereducated clam.
  22. Verified working. Thanks.
  23. Howdy. Drop me on the list as well. I'm seeing the same thing as Fitz. Or not seeing the same thing as Fitz.
  24. I read over the weekend that the initial sets will begin release in Feb, starting with smaller screens. I hear the problem is that infinity collapses to a moar discernable number like 65536.
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