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Everything posted by bhjazz

  1. Yeah, it looks like Antonio's was delayed as well. It was stuck in Grimbergen for a few days. Grimbergen must be the Atlanta of Europe. But last check just a few moments ago and it is out for delivery. Yay!
  2. Remote, eh? I'll have to look in to that. Thanks, crappy. Maybe I just need to adjust my grip. Or hold it from the bottom like a bigboy camera. Or maybe that salesman was making me fucking nuts with his incessant yapping. I'll have to play with it somewhere else. No worries: it looks like the kit version of the 5N won't be available for a bit anyway. That dealer can't keep them in and the supply is fooked from the Thailand flooding (or so he said...). I think the wait might be worth it since I would imagine the next batch should have the video clicking firmware built in.
  3. For the NEX-5N or NEX-5 users: I tried one of each today, but found that my fingers are maybe longer than the designers had anticipated. The grip seems a little shallow and the shutter button hits just inside my first knuckle. I suppose I could get used to it. Anyone with long fingers used this regularly? The 5N with the touch screen is super fast and easy to used. Damn.
  4. I'm sure he has some elder advisors, but in the last few years they haven't been much help (to the world community). Hopefully he'll lose his way diplomatically and things will smooth out.
  5. Wow, that's for damn sure. In the end, I build for myself and hope that I can share the results with friends and family.
  6. Gin and soda. /note to self: during holidays, remove all soda from glass.
  7. Santa's little helper
  8. dynafet + black hole = DynaHole I'm in once I get through my current top-shelf builds. Cool stuff, Kevin!
  9. If it's not a dehydrated human head, you're fine.
  10. Chris, I had pneumonia twice in one year some time back. Long road, but it can be done! Good luck. Shelly, congrats! One day (or one step) at a time!
  11. Nothing causes me more reason to "drink to forget" than christmas. Carry on.
  12. Startin early today, Duggeh?
  13. Just got Antonio's items ordered through Amazon.uk. That was far easier than I imagined. Gotta love the intarweb.
  14. For the old P&S, mount it on a tripod so you can get the lens parallel to what you're shooting. (Set the timer, too, to avoid jiggling the camera.) Once it's on the tripod, you can just slide the album covers through and not have to do anything to the camera. Then process the shots through ps as a batch. Badaboom. ...or try an Epson. I've heard good things about them as well, and the software that comes with it might have some OCR abilities.
  15. As much as I try to avoid holiday stress...my family delivers in spades. Geez I love my job.

  16. As much as I try to avoid holiday stress...my family delivers in spades.

  17. As much as I try to avoid holiday stress...my family delivers in spades.

  18. Now I'm scared.
  19. Two words for how I'd deal with it: shop vac. I don't care if there were spider guts splattered all over the insides afterwards, either.
  20. Very cool! Doees this mean you're sending me a cheerleader? I'll drop you a pm today and we can discuss her what we want to do!
  21. Yes. To the Gods of some very cool music. Have a nice journey! For rules, in years past anyway, just decide with your randomized partner. Torpedo, we'll talk this weekend!
  22. I read a review a few weeks back re the nex-7. Beautiful shots, tons of control. But the guy said he felt he liked Fuji's color better. I was amazed.
  23. Had an Old Rasputin with dinner, and have now moved on to a nice Manhattan. Today was rough at work, but I have tomorrow off so WTF. Cheers, gang.
  24. PimpMyBuilding: "...I put some cranes on your cranes so you can put some building on your building!"
  25. Wow. I didn't appreciate the music until I got older, too. Shame. RIP, George.
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