so, if you had 3k to spend, which would you get?
i've decided against going the hi-eff + set/jfet route... i'd like to stick with an AB amp >60w + tube pre. i know what i like when i hear it, but everything i like is too expensive ) fwiw, if money were no object, i'd get a pair of b&w 802d.
if i go over budget and pickup a new pair of 804s's ($4500), my local dealer is willing to give me a generous trade-in (basically 99% of what i paid new) once i have enough for the 802d ($14000)... and i know that if i change my direction, i can get really good resale value on agon for any of the b&w line (speaking from experience, having sold 3 pairs of b&w's on there over the years)...
for those of you who've heard the 802d, would you recommend anything i should hear?