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Everything posted by GrindingThud

  1. I'll be there with the KSA-5 clone.
  2. I'm in the maybe pile...
  3. Finally coming off the generator after the wind outage yesterday.. Great set ??
  4. The name column is locked for me...but I was able to add numbers in row 24
  5. Ye, very nice job! I'm also interested in that case.
  6. I'll keep my eye out for an "extra" I already have a pair of the boards. In the mean time, I may just adapt an ALPS like you mention.
  7. Nice!, what heatsink is that on the outputs? I'm so far behind...I still need to build mine. I never found the pot either, is there a source?
  8. Finally getting around to casing mine - might be interested in doing another.
  9. Doing the replay now - wicked good mix
  10. DIY from yesterday's hike:
  11. Woot, showreel #200!
  12. Most insane thing I've ever seen! The traffic driving back to the east coast from TN was sick too...10hr drive turned to 16hrs...and I had to work today.
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