Today, my DIY T2 has successfully come to life! After a year on and off working on this amp on my kitchen table, I was able to power up today and get music playing.
All 4 batteries are sitting around 743V. The +/- voltages for each channel are surprisingly well balanced, and both L and R sit about +10V offset at power-on and gradually get down to about 2-4V offset at steady state. I measured the heatsink temperature -- looks like it's steady at 124F/51C after about 3 hours continuous burn-in.
A shoutout to GeorgeP for enabling this build--one of my good buddies helped me reached out to you about a year ago for the case/amp board/torroid set.
Thanks KG, Spritzer, and everyone else who posted all the useful information on every aspect of the amp on this thread. I learned a lot through the process of building this amp!
One interesting thing I found while testing the PSU was that when I had both HV toroids hooked up and powered, the combined inrush blew through my 3.15A slow blow fuse (at 120VAC from the wall). I take it that the inrush of the 2x HV toroids (at least on my toroids) are pulling closer, but not quite, to 4A, since I was able to power up one HV toroid with a 2A fuse that I had left over. I have a 5A slow blow in there now, and so far no issues!