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Everything posted by Pars

  1. That does suck Steve! I hope you get good news from the hand Doctor, and best wishes on your recovery. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. RIP John... I'll bet he didn't think he would live to 95 when he was sitting on top of that Mercury rocket. Damn. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. RIP Greg. Man he had a great voice! I saw them live 3-4 times in the '70s, including the Works tour with full orchestra. Always great live. 2016 needs to fucking die! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. belated Happy Birthday as well, Tom!
  5. Hmm, the PCM56P-K is still available. RS has some in stock, Mouser and Digikey show them as obsolete but seem to have some SMD packages. Interesting. So, you got on Jocko's shit list, ehh? From what they were saying on diyhifi, the PCM65 is a PCM63 with maybe extra power and ground pins? Other pins seem identical to PCM63.
  6. I'm sure you have a few laying around Kevin... I don't live that far away Surely you have a few ovens around Mr. Baker-man. Any old toaster ovens? Timer/programmable?
  7. Was playing around with input voltage and looking at dropout. This doesn't drop out of regulation untli input is ~16.8Vac or so (output is still at 19.95Vdc). DC at the filter caps is ~22.7Vdc at that time (IIRC). I thought it would drop out before that. This is completely unloaded. I think I will go with the 20V transformer, as Michael suggested. Even at 24Vac input, pass devices were not warm, though I'm sure that will change when it is loaded. EDIT: trying to recall, do most builders tie the AC ground to the PSU or amp board grounds, or just to the chassis? Don't any RCA connectors, etc. in effect tie the board ground to AC ground/chassis? I know that XLRs wouldn't.
  8. Pars


    Watched it last night -Wow! And I of course missed the scene after the credits, must re-watch. I think I will watch the entire season again. Too bad my wife hates it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Yep, thanks for all you do Todd! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Oh all right... with std. rectifiers With Schottky bridges One other thing I noticed while playing around with this. Since this is just on a piece of wood, I don't have the AC ground tab connected to anything. When checking AC voltage between it and the board ground, it was floating around at 50-60Vac. I assume this is normal since the board isn't really referenced to anything? Should I tie the AC ground tab to the board, either directly or thru the 10 ohm resistor that is provided?
  11. http://www.ribblecycles.co.uk/continental-gp4000s-ii-twinpack/#pid=30229 $60/twinpack in 23 or 25. Shipping sometimes free, often are faster delivery than US based shops.
  12. Thanks Kevin. Another dual GRLV lives! Used the 160VA xfrmr I had with a variac, set it for 20VAC off the secondaries. GRLV set for +/-20V, output is within 1mV between sides. 1% resistors, but kelvin matched. Need to order proper transformer. Can't wait to get a listen to the dynalo mk2 using this instead of the sigma22 I am using currently.
  13. I'd probably buy something used like a Fluke 87 or 89 (or the 1xx or 2xx versions of these) instead. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Fluke-87-III-multimeter-/222331189225?hash=item33c3f8b7e9:g:nLIAAOSwB09YPxDk
  14. I know the AD1862 was always one, if not the favorite of Jocko (Pat). My CD players are still PCM-63 and TDA1541A. Still a lot to be said for these. I know the AMR CD-77 still uses the TDA1541A.
  15. Yep, Lampizator is the shit... Literally. I've been seeing examples of the quality work this guy puts out for a number of years. Most have been a masterclass in how not to do something. Can't believe how many 'phools buy into this guys crap. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Just wanted to ask, but due to the Zeners intended on ensuring the opamps come up correctly, I am guessing that it wouldn't be a good idea to bring a GRLV up using a variac the first time it is fired up? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. ^that! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Ray (you know who) used to do that as well, or paint them. Just have Kevin x-ray them
  19. Happy Birthday Gene! Hope you have a great one!
  20. You'll probably have to wire it up so it switches the pot in or bypasses it, so the switch will always be in the signal path. I don't think you would want to wire it so that the switch just shorts out the pot, as the pot would still be in parallel and might have some effect on the sound?
  21. You mean you want to use the switch to bypass the volume pot and go straight in with no attenuation? I wouldn't think the switch would be audible in the signal path. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. Yes, if I wanted to get serious about it I would buy the locky_z kit (read about it on diyaudio as well). Marc (luvdunhill) has one and did some jfet measurements/matching for me. The Tek 575 does look like fun (in a special sort of personal hell way :)), though it always has seemed odd that old tube stuff is probably more supportable that old SS stuff as some of the devices may have been MD'd with no replacements available (Counterpoint MOSFETs come to mind, as well as the one chip in the Tek 2465s). As for the transistors in the Fairchild app note, it looks like 2SD1801 / 2SB1201 are equivalents and available from Mouser.
  24. I was thinking about slapping this together on a breadboard: https://www.fairchildsemi.com/application-notes/AN/AN-6610.pdf The transistors listed (92PU01 / 92PU51) must be ancient as I cannot find them. I ran across somewhat of a datasheet here: http://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/92pu01/3582415256795608549/?alternatePartManufacturerId=0 It looks like a Fairchild KSD882Y might come close? Or could I use anything capable of a bit of power (such as MPSW06/56)? It would seem that an Ic of 2A on the 92PU01 is pretty high for what might be required here?
  25. ^ As mwl168 said, R8 and R9 (the ones you leave alone for voltage changes *) are the ones that terminate at ground plane on one end. * for some voltages, KG used 2K instead of 1.5K for these. I am using this same tactic on a supply for 35V (5K/2K).
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