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Everything posted by Pars

  1. Who is this Esmeralda fucktard? Person doesn't know shit..., but rather opinionated. Good combo. Did head-fi crash again?
  2. Very sorry to hear SG. RIP Gryphon.
  3. That looks pretty good Marc. Is your intent to support all 3 on a single board (single, dual and the LP2992)?
  4. Any news? Prototype? Natives are restless
  5. ^ This! Harry was some kinda funny, and the Bush's, while not a fan (not sure I can say that with who's in the driver's seat now ) seemed like a class act (at least Sr.), and definitely paid his dues.
  6. You could be pushing the drivers to their limit excursion-wise. I'm not a Stax person, but I know I have done that to my orthos... I'm sure Spritzer will correct me if I'm wrong
  7. Host it externally (flickr, etc.) and link to it.
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. My last order from December 2017 was fine...
  10. Backlighting (multiple LEDs) behind just the knob, with the hole in the skirt for output...
  11. My actual thought on this was to try to make the LEDs track the volume knob, much like a Pass Aleph P. The problem is I am using a TKD pot and not a relay based volume control in this, so barring an extra pot deck I can’t think of any way to do this. Maybe I’m missing something? And the green pointer on yours isn’t an LED? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. You should be able to, just as you could if you were using something like a 7812/7912. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Those don't look too bad and are a bit cheaper. Not sure about the pot for voltage adjustment; might be better to replace it with fixed resistors if doable. Here's the negative: https://www.ebay.com/itm/TPS7A3301-Ultralow-noise-LDO-Regulator-3V-33V-Max-1A-Replace-LM337-7905-7912-/322538830904 They do appear to be pin compatible with the mini.
  14. Very nice. I had a similar thought to the circle of LEDs for the case I’m laying out for the DynaFet. Nice on the pointer LED (as well as the rest of it)! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. RIP Cecil; and RIP Michael... tragic Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Yes, those would work nicely as well. Just be careful in that even though these share the same 7-pin package as the 2SJ109/2Sk389 Toshiba JFETs, they are not pin compatible. Therefore, a THAT340 adapter made for one will not work for the other. 2SA1349/2SC3381: BCE-ECB 2SJ109/2SK389: DGS-SGD Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Very nice Steve (and Milo)! So you like Arm-R-Seal? I've always used Varithane. Is something like Arm-R-Seal what you would recommend for a natural cherry finish? Thinking about building a Salamander Synergy clone, but need to draw up plans for it.
  18. If you buy the duals in the linear devices, you can just go with what you get. The 2 devices in package are matched pretty well, and Kevin said that CCS will take care of the N-P differences you have. The ones I bought from trendsetter (LSK489/LSJ689) weren't too bad.
  19. Sort of along the lines of the last portion of your post Birgir, I was pretty horrified reading this thread... http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/tubes-valves/320948-repairing-hi-preamplifier.html
  20. Partsconnexion replaced the pot with one they apparently hand selected. I supplied my data and graph above to them, and did let them know I had soldered it in. I returned it. The replacement arrived today so ran numbers on it in the same manner as before. It looks much better:
  21. Thanks Jim, just what I was looking for! I already have one GRLV plus built, so I'll start with that (and maybe build a 2nd for dual mono). As mentioned, the Salas shunt regs are on the boards, so if I decided to switch to those, all I have to do is populate them (and build a raw dc supply to feed them).
  22. Sure, if its no trouble. The more reading, the better
  23. Thanks Steef. Yes, those are helpful in getting a basic understanding of the differences.
  24. My previous query(ies) may have gotten buried. Given the somewhat religious fervor this topic seems to generate on other forums (without much technical justification for the most part; just assumption), I would like to know people's thoughts on this. My take from other reading seems to be if not shunt then you are a) a dumb ass, or b ) you just don't appreciate the best. I did read a critique/analysis on topic that discussed shunts presenting a more uniform impedance to the load, but then went into a discussion of a push-pull relationship via a shunt, versus a push only relationship with a linear reg. My specific interest is in a Salas shunt vs. GRLV plus for a phono stage, but a general discussion is more than welcome, if for nothing more than my education
  25. Maybe the schematic is missing a connection point, but it appeared that Q9/Q11 are biased solely by the input? At any rate Jose, it appears you are running a balanced CFP2? If so, if it were me, I would front-end this with a ubal->bal board, and use JFETs as the input stage for that. It will be a) transparent, and b ) give you flexibility on using SE sources as well as balanced. Well, transparent unless you are one who can hear a) plating on connectors, b ) teflon vs. cotton vs. air vs. any other form of dielectric known to man, or c ) some form of crystals within 1 mile of your listening environment, or d) grass growing. Hate how the forum software turns a "b)" into a smiley
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